Tuesday, February 20, 2024

When Your Desire is to Help Someone

February 20, 2024

"When Your Desire Is to Help 

     I realize there are some among you who have some people you would really love to help sometimes, but for one reason or another, you are having trouble doing it. In some cases, the person does not really want your help, even though everyone around them might can see that they need it. There are also those times when even though the person might realize they need help, they will be too proud to accept it and will end up suffering when they really did not have to do so. There are those who will refuse help because of not wanting to receive it from the person from whom the help might be coming, in which case, they are just being downright foolish. Some people cannot be helped because they think that they are too good to accept help, even as they are seeing their whole world crumbling down all around them.
     Okay now My children, if you happened to have run into someone who has refused to be helped by you, then the only thing that might be left for you to do is to lift the person up in prayer. It might seem like a last resort, but in reality, whenever you endeavor to help someone, the help should begin and end with prayer. It should begin with a prayer asking that the person will be receptive to accepting the help you want to, and if they do not want to accept it, pray that they will come to their senses and accept help from someone at some time. There are those who will readily and willingly accept help from anyone at any time, and such are they who will be blessed because of it. Just realize that you cannot force anyone to accept your help but you can always pray for them, and blessed they will be in one way or another because you did, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.