Thursday, March 06, 2025

The Whiners and Complainers of Life

March 06, 2025

"The Whiners and Complainers of Life"

     Have you ever known someone who tends to be living a fairly good and decent life, yet they always seem to be whining and/or complaining about something? When other people take a look at and into their lives, no one can understand why or what they have to be whining or complaining about, because as far as anyone can see, they are living a life that tends to be better than most people. Many such people just tend to whine or complain all in an attempt to gain attention to themselves, and believe it or not, it often works for them. In a lot of cases, they are truly sad and unfortunate individuals seeking such attention, and it causes one to wonder what is a body to do as far as helping them is concerned? In most cases, there is not very much one can do because there is nothing much that needs to be done for such people. Whining and complaining are just good ways for some people to get others to feel unnecessarily sorry for them, when there really is no reason for anyone to do so, because truth be known, there are far more people for whom someone can feel sorry.  
     So the next time you hear someone whining and/or complaining about how hard and difficult life is for and/or on them, try to remind them of how blessed they truly are and have been. Try to help them take a real good look at their life as you point out their blessings to them. Of course, there will be those who will either be blind to their blessings, or just be people who would rather have the attention more than the truth. There are plenty of people who could use such an eye-opening experience into the real world of life by showing them people who would really have a reason to whine and complain but yet do not do so. Whiners and/or complainers just need to learn how to appreciate the life they have, and in a lot of cases, that is all that is needed. May you be able to help such people see how good they really have it in this life, in JESUS Most Precious and Holy Name.