March 07, 2025
"Hearing GOD"
There are many in this world whose attention I often try to get, but all to no avail, because they are being otherwise engaged and/or preoccupied. Some are preoccupied and/or entangled with the trials and tribulations of this world, thinking that their lives are coming apart around them. Some are engaged and/or preoccupied with life's everyday involvements, such as with jobs, relationships, medical problems, and such, which tends to keep them from having the time to stop and listen. You will also have those who are just too busy having their so-called fun partying, clubbing, and getting themselves into all sorts of mischief and sexual promiscuities, which also leaves them unable to hear because of their sinful actions and little to no time to listen for My voice. There are also those who should have time to listen for My voice, but for one reason or another they have never learned how to hear Me, which means that they would not be able to distinguish My voice from that of satan's if need be. To know Me is to know My voice, and blessed are those of you who do know the difference.
So as you begin each day, My beloved, try to be the listeners to what your Heavenly Father is saying to you. Some of you will definitely have trouble hearing Me, and for many of you it will be because of being involved in other activities, either good or bad, that will tend to interrupt your attempts to hear Me. There will be days when you can hear Me as clear as a bell, so to speak, and times when you will have all kinds of trouble hearing. When you do have trouble hearing Me, do not allow anyone to suggest to you that something is wrong, because that will cause even more difficulty in your ability to hear. Know this, almost everyone will have trouble from time to time based upon what is going on in one's life, so do not allow it to get you down. Now may you be one who is blessed to be able to hear, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.