Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Laws of GOD and Man

March 18, 2025

"The Laws of GOD and Man"

     Some people seem to have the impression that there is something wrong with laws and the people who believe in keeping the law. Believe it or not, My children, not many laws are seen as bad laws, and in fact, most of them do serve a good purpose. As many of you are aware, there are those who try to and have entered The United States illegally, and many people do not seem to see anything wrong with it, but doing so is not right at all. Take Me and My laws for instance, which are meant to help people and not harm them. I created them to put people on the right track and to show them the right path that they should take. My laws are also meant to help people make a decision between choosing right or wrong. My laws are also meant to help people be safe in a world that is filled with all kinds of sin as well. Many of the laws of man are also created for protection and to help keep people safe and secure if the laws are followed, and to try and enter this Nation illegally will be breaking the law in itself.
     Therefore My lovely ones, do not be too quick to label your Nation's laws as being bad or unfair. The bad and unfair laws will eventually be removed if they are truly bad, wrong, or unfair to society as a whole. When you think about it, some people do not care very much for some of My laws either, but since I am wiser than mankind, I could not care less what mankind thinks. My laws have been created to help and not hurt, to protect and not injure. Many of mankind's laws have been created to do the same things as Mine, and blessed are those of you who can appreciate that fact. I realize, of course, that there are people who do not care about laws in general no matter what, and there will always be those types of people around. Blessed are all of you who will trust in and believe in laws, whether they be Mine or man's, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.