Monday, March 17, 2025

Our Father Knows Best

March 17, 2025

"Our Father Knows Best"

     There will be times in this world when the best thing for you might not be precisely what you might like or want. Yes, My children, there are times when you just might have to temporarily settle for something until whatever it is that you think you really want becomes available. Oh, I realize there are times when you might say to yourself that you can have what you want right now, but that is not necessarily the case. People will very often mess up everything when they become overly anxious and try to force things to happen when it is just not time for it to happen as of yet. This, My children, is when patience is sorely needed. It is sometimes easy to just ignore certain warnings that I might give, and all because you want what you want and no one can tell you otherwise. I will say, therefore, that blessed is the one who has patience, even when having patience is difficult to have.
     Therefore My darling beloveds, just know that I am indeed on your side and that My desire is for you to have the desires of your heart whenever it is possible. Some of you might wonder, how do I know what is best for you, well that is because I do of course know you better than you know yourselves. Yes, there are times when I will just step back for instance, and allow you to do your own thing. I will sometimes even allow you to be on top of the hill, so to speak, before I have to pull you back down for your own good. Some of you will indeed become upset with Me at times because of what I might have to do, but I am able to take it as long as I can keep you safe and secure. Always be mindful of the fact that I do care for and about you all, even when you believe that I do not. Remember too that the key word in all of this is patience, which I think is sometimes the best word there is, in and through your Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST.