February 07, 2025
"The Power to Love Others"
When it comes to loving your neighbor as yourself, or when it comes to just plain old loving others, it takes more than most people are able to do or be on their own. You see, ever since sin entered the world, it has been almost next to impossible for any man or woman to love with a pure and righteous heart as The Lord JESUS did, or for that matter, as I did and still do. We look for those who are wise enough to try and figure out the fact that they need Us in order to be able to love others as We love you. It is and has been, a constant battle between the flesh and the Spirit of men and women ever since the fall of man. It is much like the battle to be righteous and pure and to follow The Spirit, or to be in love with the world and worldly things and follow the flesh. The Spirit is always willing to do what is right, whereas the flesh is always weak and a slave to doing that which is wrong.
So from this day forth My beloveds, just reconcile yourselves to the fact that you are able to do only so much apart from leaning on The Lord JESUS CHRIST through the power of The Holy Spirit. Any of you can love with a GODLY love if you would learn to just lean on The Lord JESUS. Just get down and admit that you cannot love as you are supposed to love without JESUS and the power of The Holy Spirit. What some people think of as love is just lust, or being attracted to someone's physical appearance. That is usually why some people who thought that they were so in love, will end up getting divorced or estranged from one another sometimes. Some, in fact, will even end up hating one another, when they used to think that they were so in love. Love your neighbor and others therefore as yourself, with the love of JESUS CHRIST through the power of The Holy Spirit, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.