Saturday, February 08, 2025

Beware of the Wolves

February 08, 2025

"Beware of the Wolves"

     It is wise to be suspicious or somewhat leery of some people who claim to only want to help you or other people at times. All some people really want is to know as much about you as possible, to interfere with something that you might have planned or that you might want to do. There are those as well who pretend to be like sheepdogs guarding the sheep, when in reality, they are just wolves lying in wait, so to speak, to attack the sheep when least expected. There are those among you who are so trusting that you want to believe that certain people have your best interest at heart when they really do not care very much about anyone at all. As many of you have seen, there are those who have tried to do the right thing by others, only to be lied on and about, in order to sway other's opinions about them. It is a blessing to be able to put people in charge who have a clear mind and conscience, and who can truly help others in every way possible.
     Therefore My children, be very careful as to whom you allow to enter your home and into your hearts, because the devil is always lurking around seeking who he might devour. Such people could not care less about truth or righteousness, all they want to do is to cause confusion and disrupt things. Oh sure, some people can pretend to care just enough to keep someone off-balance, but that ruse can only last for so long. There are people today who have been hurt by those who only wanted to do them harm, which they have succeeded in doing. Always be mindful of the wolves who will disguise themselves as sheep, just so they can get in and disrupt or destroy everything. Life is indeed precious, but not to those who only want to do other people harm. Blessed are you who have learned to walk in peace and love as The Lord JESUS did, and may power and understanding be to you in His Name. May good and righteousness be your forte, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.