January 20, 2025
"What Did JESUS Do for You?
To truly know The Lord JESUS CHRIST is to love Him unless you are inclined to lean towards evil and/or some form of demon possession. If you have ever read My Word, it is apparent that those who resented The Lord JESUS the most were the so-called religious leaders of His day, and of course, the evil spirits and demons who knew Who JESUS CHRIST really was. The sad thing about it all was the fact that demons recognized JESUS as My Begotten Son, but those who were supposed to be among the chosen ones did not even recognize Him as such. They were too blind and so consumed with jealousy, until they could not receive Him for Who He was and is. JESUS CHRIST came to lay down His life for people who would scorn Him, ridicule Him, spit on and abuse Him, and who would finally scream for His crucifixion. They were so misguided and misled in fact, that the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy JESUS.
Now listen My children, if not for the sacrifice that The Lord JESUS made, most of you would be headed for hell. JESUS CHRIST gave anyone who would receive Him as Lord and Savior the opportunity to receive eternal life. He allowed those who were Gentiles an opportunity to become children of Mine by being grafted into the Vine, Who is The Lord JESUS. JESUS CHRIST washed away the sins of mankind with His shed blood, allowing all those who repented of their sins and who asked forgiveness to become children of Mine in Him. And when you think about what He had to suffer and endure on your behalf, you would have to be a cold-hearted individual to not appreciate and give thanks for all that He has done. Oh, I realize there are many among you who still do not accept Him and what He did to this day, but such people had better hope that they do not die before they have a chance to receive Him as their Lord and Savior, or else hell's fire will be their destination. So may you have been wise enough to receive Him as Lord and Savior, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.