Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Beauty of Patience

January 21, 2025

"The Beauty of Patience"

     Most people have heard the saying, good things come to those who wait, and that saying does have some validity. All it really means is that patience can be very helpful when it comes to certain things in life, and wise are those who learn to use it. In this world today, people are always desiring immediate action and wanting instant results no matter what the situation might be. There are those who get so impatient at times that their plans often go astray, and that is what impatience does to a person. An impatient person is also a person who is difficult to trust because it is difficult for them to be patient. Waiting on something also takes a strength that an impatient person just does not seem to have, and that is one of the reasons why the art of patience should not be taken for granted.
     Therefore My child, let Me say that you are very blessed indeed if you have learned how to be patient. It is indeed somewhat true that good things do come to those who are patient because it gives Me more time to plan what I want to do in their life without them getting in My way. And yes, men and women do very often get in My way by trying to do and handle certain things in their own way. It is just a good thing that I already knew they would do this and have made plans accordingly. So very often in life, patience is its own reward of sorts, simply because many mishaps, accidents, disasters, and such have been avoided because someone has learned to be patient. Patience is also akin to longsuffering and self-control which are parts of the fruits of the Spirit. And lest anyone forget, I too am a patient GOD, and I have to so that I will be able to put up with all that I have to, from and with mankind. So then patience in a person's life is a wonderful thing, and blessed are they who possess it, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.