Thursday, January 30, 2025

Walk in the Spirit and Not in the Flesh

January 30, 2025

"Walk in the Spirit and 
Not in the Flesh"

     There is practically nothing worse in this world than those who lie, cheat, steal, murder, commit adultery, are sexually perverted, or even a hypocrite. Someone I consider to be along in the same vein as the hypocrite is someone who tends to think more highly of themselves than they ought. I am saying these things because those who live a perpetual life of sin had better learn to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh before it is too late if they claim to be a child of Mine. There are always those who believe that they have all of the time in the world to change and get right with Me, until all of a sudden, there is no more time left, and many have felt that sting of reality. Only a foolish person will try to tempt fate, and you would be shocked to see just how many foolish people there are in the world. 
     Therefore child of Mine, if indeed you are sincere about being a child of Mine, then learn to be meek and humble in this life. I know there are those who think that being meek and humble is a bad thing, but those are two of the attributes of The Lord JESUS, and Who better is there to emulate? Being a liar, a cheat, a thief, a murderer, an adulterer, sexually perverted, a hypocrite, and/or one who thinks more highly of themselves than they ought, will surely find themselves traveling on that highway to hell. Oh, I am sure there are many who will think it is all fun and games now, but it is a terrible and frightening thing to end up on My bad side. Just saying that you are a Christian does not make it so, you have to learn how to walk the walk before it is too late. Now may you be or become one who is serious about who you are in CHRIST, in His Mighty and Majestic Name.