January 29, 2025
"Place Your Trust in GOD"
Mankind will often find it difficult to understand everything that I do or not do, leaving some people with a sense of awe, confusion, and/or bewilderment at times. Try as some people might, it is impossible for finite minds to understand an Infinite GOD such as Myself. I realize that I have asked most of you to get to know JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Myself better, but there will still be a whole lot about Us that you will not be able to understand. As I have had to say time and again, and as it says in Isaiah 55:8, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As a matter of fact people, it says in Isaiah 55:9, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Also as I have reiterated from time to time, this is the main reason why faith is so darn important. It is also why without faith, it is impossible to please Me, and everyone should keep that fact in mind.
So from this day forth My beloveds, try not to be so mystified or bewildered by the things that I do in yours as well as in other's lives. Always keep in mind that no matter what I might do in your life, it will always be in your best interest to let Me lead. If you really and truly want to go through life with very few worries, fears, and/or confusion, just learn to rest and have faith in Me in JESUS' Name. The nature of mankind is to try to know any and everything they can about every little thing in life, but they are often at a loss when it comes to them knowing My ways of doing things. One should also know that I never consider doing anything without considering the consequences as some people make a habit of not doing. Now may you learn to relax and have faith in Me no matter what, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.