Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Trust and Faith

November 13, 2024

"Trust and Faith"

     Many people often tend to have a tough time trusting and keeping faith in Us these days, and it is usually because of what they are experiencing in their lives thus far. Many began with a strong and seemingly unmovable faith, but certain setbacks and disappointments in life have caused them to doubt things. In a lot of cases in fact, they will still have the belief that The Lord JESUS and I can still do the impossible, but the question seems to be, believing if and/or will We do whatever it is for them. I realize that life can be somewhat scary sometimes when you have nothing or no one else to lean on but Us, but that should be enough even though you cannot see and sometimes cannot hear Us. Some people might even have the idea that they are not or have not been heard when they pray, which is something that I would never want any of you to believe. Even though it might take a little time for Me to answer some of your requests, you should always be aware of the fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST and your Heavenly Father will always be faithful.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn to be patient as far as trusting and believing in Us is concerned. You will never know everything that might be taking place in the spiritual realm of life, My children, as far as answering some of your prayers are concerned. In this spiritual realm of which I am speaking, so much tends to take place that can be confusing, but really is not when all has been said and done. It might be confusing to and for you because you are not able to see and/or hear everything that is taking place like We can. It does not matter what any of you feel or see taking place around you, The Lord JESUS CHRIST is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and do not ever forget that. And once again My children, remember the importance that patience has in this walk of faith, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.