November 12, 2024
"Stop Staring at the Trees"
I know that many of you have seen and/or heard of people who just cannot seem to see the forest for staring at the trees, and it occurs in every phase of life in one way or another. It will tend to apply to people who are so determined to make racial discrimination such a major part of their life, that they become blind to the good that is found in other people of that particular race that they are complaining about. They will often become so blind in fact that they will not even be able to see that they are often just as bad or worse than those about whom they are complaining. This can also be true about people who tend to have some resentment towards people who have a lot of money or who tend to be rich according to this world's standards. Many are also blind to the fact that things could really be a whole lot worse if not for those who they seem to resent for having money or being rich. Just think about what kind of world this might be if everyone was just barely making a living and/or living from hand to mouth.
Now listen My beloved, it would sometimes do a person good to just stop and consider certain things in and about life sometimes. It would behoove My children to be slow to jump on the bandwagon of the whiners and complainers sometimes and quick to just be considerate towards others. And do not be so anxious to judge others and come to certain conclusions about people and their actions, especially if you do not know them very well. There are a lot of times in life when things are not quite what they seem, but you would never know it unless you gave it a chance to work out. There are a lot of people who have become stuck staring at the trees when the forest is so much more interesting. If you ever take the time to notice, most of those who spend time concentrating on the trees instead of the forest, tend to be among those who are constantly whining and complaining about something, which is a sad way to live life, especially since life is so short. Now may you be a person who can see the beauty of the forest, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.