November 04, 2024
"Trapped By Your Habits"
There are many different kinds of habits that some people have that actually work on shortening their lives. One thing that is proven by those who do not indulge in such bad habits is that not everyone wants to place themselves on a fast train to a shortened life. Now of course I do realize there are such things as accidents that can take a person's life any time of the day or night, or even certain other things such as evil intentions by someone that could end a person's life. But what I am talking about right now has to do with people who purposely engage in different activities that are known to not be good for anyone at all. Much too often in this world, many of the things that begin as being a little fun, turn into something that will take hold of a person and does not want to let go. Even whenever, "that something", is a detriment to a person's health, they have all kinds of trouble letting whatever it is go.
Now listen to Me, My beloveds, I do indeed grow weary of seeing so many of My children being defeated by certain things in this life whose only purpose is to destroy life. JESUS CHRIST came so that those who came to Him could have life, and have it more abundantly, and all the while many believers are in the process of doing the opposite. I realize that much of the time it is not done on purpose per se, but that does not matter very much when whatever it is begins destroying your health. There are many of course who do live a long life even though they have bad habits and have not taken care of their health, but just think how much better it would have been if it was not for the bad habits. And of course, there are those who tend to try and live and do everything right, yet still have a shortened life, which could very well be for any number of reasons. Suffice it to say, it is better to leave this earth healthy and without pain than to leave it sickly and in pain after being trapped by some destructive habit. Now may you be one of the healthy ones when you come Home to Us, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.