November 05, 2024
"The GOD of the Impossible"
Some of you are facing some major health problems today, and I want you to know that We are indeed still with you wherever you are. I also want you to know that We will never leave nor forsake you. Many of you have been going through and have been taking certain tests along the way which tend to have not been very good for you. Certain tests you might take are generally good things, except for when they tend to indicate that something bad is occurring with and/or inside your body. Now look, certain numbers just might look scary to you I know, but is there anything that is impossible for your Heavenly Father? Well no, of course it is not, and all things are possible to and for those who believe and have faith. And yes there are times when I heal with the person not having any faith at all when it is My Sovereign will to do so. Some of you are concerned because of the numbers that were not good, but numbers are just numbers as far as I am concerned.
From this day forth My children, never forget the fact that you can always lean on The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Myself for anything. I would like for each of you to know that My promise to never leave nor forsake any of My own still stands. Yes, I realize that not everyone is healed on this side of Heaven, but as the saying goes, it does not hurt to ask. You also have to realize just Who is The Creator of the human body and Who understands more than Us how it is supposed to work? I know there are many who have gone to their graves believing that they were going to be healed on this side, but that does not mean that their faith was or is for nothing. He or she who needs healing need only ask in JESUS Name and leave the rest up to Me. Remember, Luke 1:37 says, For with God nothing will be impossible, and you can take that to the bank, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.