September 13, 2024
"Not Being Ashamed of
GOD's Word"
There are Ministries, teachers, and Churches these days, that are afraid to teach the truth of My Word because they fear offending others, but the truth of My Word should always be the first consideration. One of the things that began the down-slide of today's society is the fact of trying to spare some people's feelings, and/or trying to be pleasers of mankind rather than to be pleasers of Almighty GOD. When I sent Moses down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments, do you think that I was concerned about everyone's feelings or what they might have thought of Me? And did I not name those tablets the Ten Commandments and not the Ten Suggestions? People have become so sensitive to trying to protect the wrong things in this life, that they have allowed sin to become a normal fact of life when that should definitely not be the case at all. Everything has become so messed up in fact, until those who speak up for righteousness and holiness are the ones who are being laughed at and canceled in society.
Therefore My darling beloveds, do not be afraid to make a stand for the truth of My Word, and great shall your name be in Heaven for so doing. If someone gets their feelings hurt because of the truth of My Word, that is usually not hurt feelings but rather the conviction of The Spirit. Those who are smart will repent and be saved after being convicted, which is always a good thing indeed to see. It is not My will to see anyone condemned, but there will be many who are because of rejecting The Lord JESUS and the truth of My Word. Contrary to what some people may believe, I do give people several opportunities to be saved, so then people end up condemning themselves and not I Who do it. Do not be afraid of what men can do to you My children, but rather be fearful of what I can do. Now may good things be to you who do not run from the truth of My Word, and blessed you shall be for staying strong, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.