Thursday, July 18, 2024

So, You Want World Peace?

July 18, 2024

"So, You Want World Peace?"

     You will sometimes hear people say that they wish for world peace and that there will be no more murders or killings in the world. Oh yes, saying such things might sound good, but it is not very realistic at all, and that is so sad to think that it can never be that way until The Lord JESUS begins His reign on Earth. As many of you know, there are those who do try to get along with others, and they do their best to live according to how My Word says one should live. They try to bless others whenever they can, they try to live with a forgiving spirit, and they try to keep hatred out of their hearts. The problem of course is the fact that these people who are trying to live according to My Word, are not in this world alone, or not with people of like minds. Those who are on this Earth with them are often evil-minded and wicked, or at the very least, could not care less about any peace of any kind.
     Therefore My children, as much as some of you might wish for world peace, love, and kindness towards one another, as long as satan is free to roam, there will be evil, hatred, and wickedness at large as well. The best that any of you can hope for is to try and avoid as much evil, wickedness, and people's hatred as much as possible. You need to learn to stay as close to The Lord JESUS as possible and learn how to make walking in The Spirit as often as you can. You also need to remember that even though you are in this world, you are not of the world. You need to also be mindful of the fact that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. Remember too that satan has no power over you than what you allow him to have, if, in fact, you are a child of Mine in CHRIST. As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you should fear no evil, for JESUS CHRIST and I are with you through The Holy Spirit, and We will always be with you, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.