Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Keeping the Faith

July 24, 2024

"Keeping the Faith"

     Yes My children in CHRIST, I realize that some of you are going through some trying times because some of you have received some news that is sure to test your faith. Many among you might be under the impression that I have let you down, simply because you have recently received some unnerving news that did not sit well with you and what you have believed. You have been praying and have believed that you have received what you have prayed for, but certain tests, numbers, and such events did not seem to have been on your side, or at least looking as if your prayers are not and have not been working. You have to know that you cannot go by such things as that. There are times when certain things just do not line up with the reality of how you might be feeling or seeing things at the present time. There are times when one's faith will truly be tested, and you will either have to believe in what is seen and/or heard, or believe in Me and My Word
     Now listen to Me, My children, things will not always be so easy to be seen as being real when everything seems to be going haywire all around you and in your life. Some of the most difficult faith times you will ever face are when you are believing one way and/or for a certain conclusion, but everything you see and/or hear is saying something completely different. These are tests and trials that will surely test your faith, and you will have to be willing to hang on to My Word that is meant to and for you. Some of you will indeed be tested as never before, in order for you to be able to help others who are being tested. Walking in faith is not some type of game in which you can just step in or out at will, as some people tend to believe. Know this, My beloved, the more difficult the task or prayer might be, the more faith it will certainly take to overcome. Remember that Hebrews 11:1 says, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Keep the faith, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.