Monday, March 04, 2024

No, Not Everyone Is the Same

March 04, 2024

"No, Not Everyone Is the Same"

     Have you ever met someone who was very nice and accepting when you first met them, but when you saw them again something had changed, and they were not so nice and accepting at all anymore? It is very difficult to be around such people I know because even I have had to deal with these types of people at times. These types of people are so very unpredictable, and they are just as unpredictable to other people as well. It can be a difficult thing having to deal with these types of people of course, because you can never know which personality you are going to encounter from time to time. There are those who have had to deal with certain people such as this and have gotten their feelings hurt because of their antics, which is no way one human being should treat another. This does of course happen when one has been diagnosed with some type of personality disorder, in which case they can only be helped by a healing miracle or by or with medications.
     So if you happen to get to know or meet such a person as this, do not be shocked or surprised by their unusual behavior. Some of them cannot help the way that they are apart from a miraculous healing or some type of medication, so learn to pray for people such as these. It might just seem sometimes as if these are mean and unsociable people, but remember, many of them cannot always be responsible for their actions. This is not to excuse their behavior, it is just to explain why some of them behave as they do. There is more to life than any of you might be able to realize at any given time and blessed are you who just might be able to understand. Now, not everyone with this condition sets out to be mean, nasty, and/or unaccepting, but many do indeed end up being that way. Try to have mercy on these types of people when possible and learn to pray for them, because in a lot of cases, they do not know what they do. Bless you, who do at least try to understand, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.