Friday, February 09, 2024

Freedom In Forgiveness

February 09, 2024

"Freedom In Forgiveness"

     When you truly begin to think about the way most people are in the world, it is a shame that so many of them believe themselves to be too good to forgive someone else. The perfect example of a Forgiver is found in JESUS CHRIST. With all of the punishment He had to endure, He still asked Me to forgive those who were crucifying Him. Oh yes, many will say that I just do not know the horrible things that were done or said to them, acting as if I was not there. But then the question arises, if I was there, why did I not intervene and protect them from what was happening to them? The simple answer is as in most cases, I have given mankind free will, and many of them have chosen to use their free will for evil, and on certain occasions I do intervene. Now because this is the case, the innocent will sometimes have to suffer, but even in their suffering, I will be there to strengthen them and to bring them through their suffering if they will only trust Me to do so, and to trust Me is the key. To forgive such a person is indeed a lot to ask of someone of course, but that is what separates the believer from the world.
     Now listen My children in CHRIST, sometimes you will see those who deserve to be punished get what is coming to them, and sometimes you will not, but in either case, vengeance is Mine says The Lord. Listen, if you could ever learn to forgive the worst thing that was ever done or said to you, then you will be well on your way to a freedom that only a few people truly ever experience. As I have tried to explain before, those who cannot seem to forgive their trespassers will usually end up placing themselves in a type of prison or bondage of their own making. They will often find it difficult to breathe the same way they used to breathe, and their whole outlook on things will appear different. They will also find it difficult to experience true joy and the peace that passes understanding. Yes, there are those who promise to forgive but never do, never realizing the curse they have placed on their own souls. JESUS CHRIST forgave so that you too could learn to forgive others as He did, and blessed are you who learn to do so, in and through His Holy and Most Precious Name.