Sunday, January 21, 2024

Those Who Have and Who Do Not Have

January 21, 2024

"Those Who Have and Who
Do Not Have"

     Know this, My children, there are selfish, mean, evil, and/or wicked people who have money as well as selfish, mean, evil, and/or wicked people who have very little to no money whatsoever. Now listen, it is not always the money alone that will change a person, but rather the heart that is within a certain person. A good-hearted person will be and do good whether they have money or do not have money, and an evil-hearted person would be the same way as well. Some of you have seen some selfish, mean, evil, and wicked people who did not have a penny to their name, and there are many such people around. You will often see those with money getting a bad rap so to speak just because they are rich or wealthy, and being accused of having a horrible attitude toward people. But now even if any of these same people did not have two nickels to rub together, they would still end up being the same old selfish, mean, wicked person anyway, because it is the heart that matters and not so much how much money they have.
     Now I have said all of this to try and make clear that it is not necessarily how much money someone has or does not have that affects people, but rather what is in their hearts that matters. Those with money will oftentimes get a bad rap because of how they sometimes treat others, but there are people with very little to no money who treat others as badly as well. So what is the excuse if it is because of having money? Now usually, those who do have money and who also possess a good heart will be able to do more financially for others, as opposed to those who do not have much money when it comes to being able to help them. As a matter of fact, in most instances, I am The One Who has blessed certain people to be able to prosper, and often in hopes of them helping those who are less fortunate. Therefore My darling children, do not be one who ridicules or vilifies those who have money, unless, of course, you happen to know their hearts. Blessed are those of you who try to treat others as you would like to be treated, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.