January 20, 2024
"Satan's Devious Tactics"
There are those of you who must feel by now that either I do not care about your desires, have forgotten your plight, or that I am no longer interested in wanting to help you at all. These are just a few of the things that satan will also whisper in your ear from time to time, trying to upset and/or discourage you in your faith. Sad to say, My children, he does succeed in cases where a person's faith in Me is already teetering. There are also those who can be easily convinced because of how long it is taking for anything they have prayed about to be answered. Many of them have been told by satan that they are foolish to believe that I, Almighty Jehovah, really do even care about helping them at all. Some people have been led to believe that all of their prayers will be answered in Heaven rather than here on earth, but what sense does that make when a lot of your prayers have to do with the here and now? If you know anything at all about satan and his tactics, then you know that he is a deceiver as well as the father of lies.
Now listen to Me children in CHRIST, no matter what satan manages to whisper in your ear, know that your Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and your Heavenly Father, will never leave you nor forsake you, and neither will We ever forget about you. Satan counts on you believing the fact that We have just forgotten about you, hoping that you will begin to believe in what you see rather than continuing to walk by faith and not by sight. Satan also counts on being able to confuse you at every turn. I realize that life can indeed be confusing at times without satan adding in his two bits so to speak. All of you who are Mine in CHRIST need to learn how to ignore what satan is trying to say to you during your weaker moments, and when you are the most vulnerable. You are usually the most vulnerable when it is quiet and you are all alone with just your thoughts, or when you think that I might have failed you. Do not, and again I repeat, do not allow yourselves to be deceived and lied to by satan, remembering always to Whom you belong, and blessed you will surely be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.