Saturday, December 23, 2023

Does GOD Exist?

December 23, 2023

"Does GOD Exist?"

     There are those in this world who do not believe in Me, The Lord JESUS CHRIST, or The Holy Spirit for that matter, and they have the right to be as wrong and as lost as they want to be. Many such people always want to know where is the evidence of My existence, when there is evidence all around them. Those who refuse to acknowledge the evidence of My existence, are either spiritually ignorant and/or blind, or they are just too foolish to accept the fact that there was a supernatural intelligence behind putting all of this together. As someone once said, it takes more faith to believe that everything just magically fell into place and in perfect order, than to believe that I, Almighty GOD, spoke everything into existence. There is also the historical evidence of the life of The Lord JESUS CHRIST having lived, taught, died, was buried in a tomb, and was then resurrected by Me. Even so, those who refuse to believe, have the right to be as foolish and as ignorant as they want to be, much to their detriment.
     Just think about it My dears, it is more difficult to deny Our existence than to believe that We do exist. One of the reasons why some people do not want to admit to the fact that We exist is because they do not want to be accountable to anyone, especially to a GOD Who will one day have to judge them. Such people want to feel as if they can just make up their own truths and to just live a life that is based upon their feelings instead of everything being based upon a pure set of morals and on the absolute authority of right and wrong such as Mine. There are also those who want to serve their own particular god, which is a god that they can conform into their own image and liking. They want a god that they can control and change rather than a GOD Who will change them. I will always be here whether they choose to believe in Me or not, and one day they will know for sure that I did and do exist all along, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.