March 01, 2025
"No Need to Defend The Truth"
Some people tend to become upset or even angry at times when other people disagree with them on something or do not believe as they believe. It sometimes seems as if people who are trying to defend JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and Me as if We need defending when it is clear that We really do not need it. I realize that it can be upsetting to hear people saying things about which they are definitely wrong or have gone off track, but that is their problem and not yours or Ours. Some people just do not want to know the truth, and in some cases, they do not want to accept the truth when they know it. Some people in fact are just agitators of sorts, and even when they might be aware of what the truth really is, they just love being the agitators of life. Now it is not something that I think is amusing or funny of course, and one day they will know what I mean. Those who seek to defend Us against such ignorance should realize that We are more than capable of handling things Our way.
So from this day forth, My children, let those who pretend to be ignorant, just keep on pretending, much to their detriment. One of the greatest things that has ever occurred was when My Only Begotten Son laid down His life for a bunch of sinners. He made those who were not worthy to be worthy through His shed blood on Calvary. He was the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. The Lord JESUS is of course King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and blessed are those of you who will realize that fact. Let those who want to pretend to be dumb keep on pretending, because I will eventually set them straight. There is never any need to argue with those who are ignorant, just pray for them that their hearts will be enlightened and that they receive understanding, in and through JESUS CHRIST their Lord and Savior.