February 12, 2025
"When Desiring to Help Others"
No matter how much you might try to help some people, there will be times when there will be nothing that you can do to help them. Some people just do not want to hear anything that goes against their preconceived ideas or their way of thinking. Even if you could show all the proof possible that might contradict what the other person wants to believe, it will not matter to them. Even though JESUS CHRIST taught using parables, what He taught was true, and those who had ears to hear and eyes to see, got what He meant. Some of you today try to help people by exposing them to the truth, but for one reason or another, they just do not seem to get it. Sometimes it is because a person does not want to be proven wrong, and sometimes it is as simple as they do not want you to be right. There are even times in fact, that it can be a matter of not liking the messenger, which unfortunately might sometimes be you.
In either case oh child of Mine, all you can ever do is to try and help others, and then it is up to them to either accept or reject the help you have tried to give. Now remember, all you can do is try, because not everyone will be willing to accept your help. There are some people who just love to wallow around in the mud, so to speak, and who do not want to get clean. Just like some people tend to enjoy not seeing the truth and having the wool pulled over their eyes as they continue to be blind. Some people also want to remain ignorant of what is true, thinking that it will give them some kind of excuse, but there is no excuse for ignorance when someone is trying to keep you from being that way. Be a person who is eager to learn therefore and to know the truth, and blessed you will be for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.