February 21, 2025
"The True Children of GOD"
For I so loved the world that I gave My Only Begotten Son, that whoever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Yes My lovely ones, I did want to give people a chance to receive eternal life, but not everyone has chosen that avenue, of course. One of the problems that I have seen is the problem of people being obedient to My Word, which is so difficult for some people to do. It is not My will that any human being should have to go to hell, but many will find themselves headed that way based on the choices they have made in their lives. There are a lot of people who know what they should be doing but they choose to not do it, those who know what they should be saying but who choose not to say it, and those who know where they should be going but yet they choose to not go. It is indeed a shame to see, but too many of you are so intent on doing your own thing and in your own way in this life, that what I want from many of you has been put way down the list of things to do, if they make the list at all.
Therefore children of Mine, let no one say anymore that it is GOD Who sends people to hell because most of them make that choice on their own. I would like for everyone to realize that I only want what is best for you all at all times. I would also want people to realize that even though people love to say that everyone is a child of GOD, that is not such a true statement either. As My Word says, it is those who seek to obey My Word who can rightfully call themselves children of The Living GOD. My children are also those who have received The Lord JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. It is not always an easy thing to be obedient to My Word, but that is what helps to separate the sheep from the goats, and the wheat from the chaff. This spiritual walk is not some game to be played, and blessed are those of you who realize that fact, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.