Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Seeing Beyond the Temporary

February 05, 2025

"Seeing Beyond the Temporary"

     As many of you are aware, some people tend to spend way too much time whining and complaining about every little thing in their life, until they have become totally blind to the blessings they have in their life. Now before you get bent all out of shape, I do realize that I have mentioned this topic before on other occasions. Knowing this to be the case, My friends, what did I say about when it comes to Me repeating something? When I choose to repeat something over and over again, it is obviously something that I have considered to be very important. I see and hear people daily whining and complaining, not realizing the Spiritual damage that they are doing to themselves with their negative attitudes and disposition, which are not very pleasant to behold. It is such a sad thing to see blessed individuals whining and complaining just being negative in life, which is something that I have certainly come to despise.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, just take a little time to look around, count your blessings, and be thankful for your life. Sure, you might not have everything you desire in life, but being blessed is more than just possessions and having everything go your way. Wise is the person who realizes that things here are only temporary anyway. To be one who is able to appreciate the Spiritual side of life is to be one who is well on their way to eternal rewards. There is entirely too much of this negativity that is contained in all of the whining and complaining that takes place in this world. If not for the few who have learned to see beyond this world, I would have ended it all a long time ago. So from this day forth, may you be counted among the few who are able to see further than just this world, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.