Friday, January 10, 2025

Put Away Your Selfishness

January 10, 2025

"Put Away Your Selfishness"

     One of the worst things a person can be or become is a person whose main purpose in life is to be a pleaser of self, and someone who is only interested in satisfying oneself. He or she who tends to be solely concentrated on pleasing, satisfying, and serving themselves are as far from being learners and followers of CHRIST JESUS as they could possibly be. The Lord JESUS was never interested in serving, pleasing, or satisfying just Himself, which He could easily have done. What people need to understand is that The Lord JESUS did not have to endure the merciless suffering that He did, especially for a people who would not appreciate it. But for the sakes of those who did appreciate and who would receive Him, He laid down His life. Remember what JESUS Himself once said to His Disciples in Matthew 20:26-28, (26) Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. (27) And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— (28) just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
     Therefore, child of Mine in CHRIST, if JESUS CHRIST is indeed your Lord and Savior, then begin to act like it. There are entirely too many people who are out to please, satisfy, and serve themselves, which I will say again, was not the heart of The Lord JESUS. I am not saying that you have to completely forget about yourself, but that you should also think about others as well. Some of you have done very well as far as looking out for and trying to love others, and you have made Me very proud. It is always nice to see people who listen to what I have had to say. Obeying Me is one of the many things that JESUS was willing and anxious to do, even unto His death on the cross. Tell Me, how many of you would have been willing to suffer and die for people who did not appreciate who you were? Blessed are you who can leave your self-centeredness behind, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.