Monday, November 18, 2024

Oh Get Over It Already

November 18, 2024

"Oh Get Over It Already"

     After this past Presidential election, there are so many sad and unhappy people who are having trouble accepting the final results. The funny thing to Me is, that those who feel like they cannot accept the results now are some of the same people who thought that the other side would have trouble accepting the results if everything would have gone the other way. It has been almost two weeks now since the election yet there are still people whining, griping, and complaining about the results, which as I said before, is what they thought the other side would be doing if they had lost. People such as these will find themselves being unnecessarily miserable if they do not learn to accept the reality of the results. They will have trouble finding peace within, joy unspeakable, or the ability to be content in all things as The Apostle Paul said. What is really sad, is the fact that certain people are employed in jobs that are meant to cause derision, confusion, and/or even hate at times, which is the work of satan and his cohorts.
     Therefore, people, the time has come for you to get over being dissidents and once again join the human race. Life is not and will not be as some of you have been led to believe. You must also keep in mind that JESUS CHRIST and I are still on the throne, if that is, you are one who believes in Us and not necessarily mankind. There are far too many of you who are making yourselves miserable for no good or plausible reason, all because of what you think will happen in the future. Now listen people, life is much too short to spend it being angry, upset, and/or miserable over what might happen in the future. Be at peace and be filled with joy as you learn how to be content in all things. Do not allow yourselves to be led by and influenced by those of destruction, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.