Friday, September 20, 2024

Trying to Understand GOD

September 20, 2024

"Trying to Understand GOD"

     Someone once commented on how silly it is for a finite being like mankind, with very limited understanding, to try to explain the actions of an Infinite GOD such as Myself. This is especially true when you try to understand The GOD that I appear to be in The Old Testament of The Bible as compared to The One people see in The New Testament. As My Word states, I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so why does it not appear to be that way as you read? Things might seem different in the beginning because We had to get everything established as far as the development of mankind was concerned, thus there were certain things that We had to do, in order to make certain other things work according to the way that We had them planned. Oh yes, I am sure you are saying that you would have done things differently, but would your way have been that much better? I doubt it, simply because you do not know what We know and knew, and that puts you at a disadvantage because of that finite mind of yours.
     Therefore My children in CHRIST, just try to learn to roll with Us no matter what, trusting and having faith in Us every step of the way. Once We were through setting things up in The Old Testament, We then began to do a new thing in The New Testament, but I was still the same GOD. I made all of the prophecies in The Old Testament and had most of them fulfilled in The New Testament through My Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. From day one, of course, We knew there would be the need for a Savior to cleanse the sins of mankind, thus the birth of JESUS CHRIST. I realize the fact that there will be many who will just not receive JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, but that is entirely their right of course, which also means they are choosing hell as their final destination. May you who have had ears to hear make the wiser choice today, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.