Friday, April 05, 2024

Keeping the Faith

April 05, 2024

"Keeping the Faith"

     Blessed are you when you can have and keep a positive attitude when it seems as if you are alone in your faith in Me and in what I can do. There are often times when those who are around you might mean well, but they just cannot seem to get on that same faith train that you are riding. There are always some who need to or want to see some type of manifestation of what you might be believing Me for before they can believe in or trust in what you do, and that is just human nature at work, My friend. It is difficult for some people to just accept the fact that when I am involved in something, that which might have formerly seemed impossible, tends to happen on a daily basis because of Who I Am. There are times when people tend to forget the things I did in The Old Testament, just because they are not written down or are as publicized today. Believe it or not My children, I am still the same GOD that I was yesterday and will be tomorrow, and that is something that everyone needs to remember.
     Okay now My faithful ones, no matter how dark things might become in your life, or no matter how many negative forces you have to face or hear, just realize that faith is only easy for those who know that they know that they know that they know that their GOD has never and will never let them down in JESUS' Name. Those who say that I work in mysterious ways are very often right, but only because usually the whole picture cannot be seen from beginning to end to them as I can. When you learn to just trust Me in JESUS' Name no matter what you see or hear, then you will be walking in and with the faith of those who are mentioned in the Eleventh Chapter of The Book of Hebrews in My Word. It is not always easy to believe in what cannot be seen, heard, or felt, but that is what makes one of the things about walking with Me so wonderful. Now may good things be to you who keep the faith, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.