January 28, 2024
"Do Not Be Deceived by Satan"
Satan is very cunning indeed, and he is very adept at knowing the many weaknesses of mankind. He finds it very easy to appeal to the basest nature found in mankind, such as greed, selfishness, envy, jealousy, covetousness, vengeance, anger, hatred, and/or sexual immorality or promiscuity. There is also that desire to want to be Me or be like Me, even though that could never happen. Far too often in this world, satan has managed to deceive some of the most supposedly upstanding citizens there are. He is also very good at convincing certain people that many of their sins are not really sinful, except for those that are seen by people who are overly religious and are also some type of religious zealot. He began his deception with Eve of course, and has been very successful with it ever since. His whole existence is based on keeping as many people as possible from learning how to be CHRIST-like because he has no defense against those who are closest to CHRIST JESUS.
Therefore, children of Mine in CHRIST, be like JESUS CHRIST as often as possible and take away the devil's power over and in your life. Do not allow yourself to fall for the subtleties that he is famous for, by always being keenly aware of his tactics. Also, never think that you are too or less important, too small or too big, too rich or too poor, or too little of anything for satan to try and mess with you, because there is certainly no such thing. Those who do not properly respect the wiles and power of satan are the ones who are so often and so easily deceived. He is not of course all-knowing, all-seeing, or omnipresent, but he is a very formidable foe. The most important thing for anyone to keep in mind is, that without The Lord JESUS CHRIST in your life, any type of victory over satan is made that much more difficult. May you be one who does have JESUS CHRIST on their side, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Blessed Name.