January 17, 2024
"Dare to Believe"
There are many so-called scholars and Ministers who profess to believe My Word when they actually believe only certain parts of My Word. Now many of them will never openly admit to not believing It or the power that can be found in It, trying to explain everything away as politely as they can. Such scholars and Ministers alike will say that even if certain miracles and/or healings were done back in JESUS' day, such things are not meant for today, but they could not be more wrong. These are people who think that My Word is dead rather than being a Living Word as It truly is. Hebrews 4:12 says this: God’s Word is living and powerful. It is sharper than a sword that cuts both ways. It cuts straight into where the soul and spirit meet and it divides them. It cuts into the joints and bones. It tells what the heart is thinking about and what it wants to do (NLV). Such are they as well who will deny the truth of My Word in an attempt to court the favor of man. Many have even denied the fact that JESUS CHRIST is not in Me and that I am not in Him as My Word states, proving that they are only pretenders, or worse yet, wolves in sheep's clothing.
Know this My children, when JESUS CHRIST said that those who had seen Him had also seen The Father, He truly meant that in every way. When He said that He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life and that no one comes to The Father except for through Him, that was the truth. Yes, My children, My Word is indeed timeless, and It is indeed alive and well today. Many are being and have been misled and deceived into believing that even prayer is actually useless these days, but do not believe that lie. The Lord JESUS Himself said that you could ask for anything in His Name and He will do it, so that He could bring glory to The Father through The Son, and blessed are those of you who will dare to believe that to be true. There are too many so-called Christians being made weak, ineffective, and powerless by thinking that My Word has no power, and there is no truth in that My child. If you believe in a resurrected JESUS CHRIST, then you should be able to also believe in the power of My Word, and blessed are you who do, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.