January 12, 2024
"Battling the Flesh and My Word"
My Word has said quite a lot about not engaging in sexual sin, but there are very few people these days who tend to care about what It has to say or has said on the matter. It is also interesting how when mankind does not like something that is in My Word and that is sinful, all they do is change the name of what the particular act is called, and think that makes it alright. Instead of seeing fornication as being a sin, one only needs to change fornicating to sleeping together or whatever nice terminology they try to use in order to keep it from sounding sinful. It is the same with the act of adultery as well. Committing adultery and/or lusting is a sin of course, but let mankind call it sleeping together or desiring someone else other than the one to whom one should be with, in marriage, or in a true monogamous relationship, which many find unacceptable these days. Some have even taken being with the same sex out of the sin category as if I made a mistake when I said not to do it, but even that cannot be whitewashed and just thrown away because I did, in fact, mean that one should not do it.
So when it comes to trying to change My Word in order to be something that It is not, I must caution anyone who tries to do such a thing as that. Giving certain behavior flowery words so to speak, does not make sin any less acceptable at all to Me. I realize that it is not a popular thought these days to have to live by My Word, because the flesh will always want what the flesh wants and that is the crux of the matter. The spirit of mankind and the flesh will always be at war, with the flesh often winning the battle, especially when it comes to matters of sex. Oh yes, many people will truly try to walk a righteous line ordinarily, until there is a matter having to do with sex and/or sexual immorality, and that is when they usually lose control. Changing the terminology of something does not make sin more acceptable, because sin is sin no matter how you look at it. Also, saying the heart wants what the heart wants is not always right either, because it very often leads to the desires of the flesh and not the desires of The Spirit. Now may each of you who are Mine be stronger in The Spirit than in the flesh, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.