December 07, 2023
"Yes, You Do Need JESUS CHRIST"
Some people will sometimes forget the fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST did not come into the world to save those who are already righteous and perfect, but rather those who realize that they are sinners and need saving. There are and will always be those individuals who are under the mistaken belief that they do not need saving, but only a very foolish person indeed would believe such a thing to be true. Yes, as foolish as it sounds, there are those who think that it is everyone else who needs saving because they themselves do not sin. People such as these do not see themselves as ever being bad or as having treated other people bad or wrong. There are those who claim that they never do anything wrong and neither do they break any of the commandments. They say that they pray each and every day, therefore they really have no need for a Savior.
Now listen to Me, My children in CHRIST, if you indeed want to be a child of Mine, then you truly do in fact need The Lord JESUS. JESUS cleanses you from the sin with which you were born, for everyone who is born of woman, except of course for The Lord JESUS, was born into sin. Therefore My children, unless you were born in some other way besides woman, then you indeed do need The Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is The Only One Who can cleanse a person of their sins by washing them and covering them with His blood. The blood of JESUS purifies and cleanses the soul through and through, and without the blood, there is no cleansing to be had. Through the blood comes the forgiveness of sins, known and unknown, because no one truly knows every sin that they might have committed along the way. It is also through The Lord JESUS CHRIST that mankind it able to boldly approach My throne of grace. So whether you think you need The Lord JESUS or not, I will tell you now that you do, and blessed are you who realize it, in His Most Precious and Holy Name.