Friday, December 15, 2023

Blessed to Serve A GOD Who Speaks

December 15, 2023

"Blessed to Serve A GOD 
Who Speaks"

     When it sometimes seems as if others might look at you funny because they think that you might need some kind of professional help, just remember that they thought the same thing about The Lord JESUS CHRIST as well. There were those who could not get passed the realization that they knew this JESUS from their childhood and that He grew up with them right around the corner from them, so to speak. They all knew His mother Mary as well as his father Joseph, or so they thought. Of course, they were correct in many respects but were totally wrong in other respects. When The Lord JESUS began saying that I, Almighty Jehovah, was His Father and not Joseph, they really began to look at Him strangely, because He did not see Me as being Father in the same way that they did. And oh, when He began proclaiming that He and I were One, that is really what broke the camel's back, so to speak.
     Therefore, My children, if you are one who people might see as being somewhat strange, or maybe someone who needs help because you can hear Me, do not be too concerned about them and/or their opinions, because they do not know Me as you do. You need to know that just because you are able to hear Me when some others cannot, it is not you that has the problem at all. As I have said on other occasions, not everyone will hear Me in the same way. Some people will hear Me and be afraid to admit it because of what others might think of them, while others will hear Me and are not sure that they have heard Me at all. Some people might just think that you are foolish for daring to believe that I would even venture to speak to you but believe Me, I do and I will continue to do so. Could anyone answer Me this; what good is a god who does not even speak to those who are supposed to believe in him? I am The Living GOD and not some dead lifeless god like some others are serving. One of the reasons for The LORD JESUS coming to earth, besides to take away the sins of mankind, was to show that I, Almighty JEHOVAH, wanted a relationship with mankind once again as I had in the beginning. So come on and let Me in and keep on listening to Me, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.