December 11, 2023
"Just Whose Child Are You
As many of you have seen and/or heard, there are those in this world today who just cannot seem to be happy unless they are talking and gossiping about or denigrating someone. It causes one to wonder just what kind of JESUS have they professed to be following, if that is, they even claim to be following The Lord JESUS CHRIST. People like these individuals often think of themselves as being better than everyone else. There are those who tend to get a great deal of satisfaction from just putting other people down, and I for One, do not appreciate that behavior at all. These days especially, you will find those who tend to be so mean to other people, not caring at all about what they might have said or done to hurt the person. It is indeed such a sad age to see all of the mean and nasty things people do to one another, and for no other reason than to make one feel more important than someone else.
So as you venture out today, be mindful of the fact that you are claiming to be a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I grow weary of people at times who claim to be learners and followers of The Lord JESUS, but yet they tend to never produce any spiritual fruit or any evidence of being one of His followers. That is one reason why there will be those on judgment day saying what all they did in JESUS' Name, and He will in turn say to them, depart from Me for I never knew you. There is entirely too much hatred and bitterness being emanated by and from those who have claimed to be Christians and learners and followers of The Lord JESUS. Now I am not saying that a person needs to be perfect right now, but they do not at least have to be like the world. Now may you be one who rises above the meanness, the pettiness, and the putting others down, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.