Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Being Thankful in All Things

October 15, 2024

"Being Thankful in All Things"

     More than ever, these days, people are seeing just how quickly and easy it is to lose most of or everything for which they might have worked for their whole life. It is also a good time to remember that no matter what, The Lord JESUS CHRIST and I will never leave nor forsake you, even during your darkest times. This is also a good thing to remember when it seems that everything is seemingly going against you in life, We are still right there with you. It is also good to live each day as if it just might be your last day here on this earth. People who have learned to live life this way, have also learned to just let the little things in life that used to bother, irritate, and/or annoy them to just let them go and be bothered no more by such things. All too often in this world as well, people allow themselves to become all upset over things that do not really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. Some people have learned, that by being thankful in everything, is the best way to live life.
     So then My children in CHRIST, if you are one who has not yet learned to be thankful in all things, then maybe you had better stop and reconsider the way you are living life. First, stop and give thanks for yet another day, even if it is turning out not to be the best of days, there is still the opportunity to make what is left of the day better. Do not be a person who just whines and complains about every little thing, not realizing that everything you think you own could be gone in the twinkling of an eye. Too many people tend to take things for granted when they should be giving thanks for life itself. There is always a chance for things to get better if you will only keep the faith. Be the type of person who can appreciate being in CHRIST JESUS and having JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior. Learn to appreciate the fact that you have been blessed no matter how little you might think it is because someone somewhere has less than you do. Now may good things be to you who have learned the act of appreciation, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Putting JESUS CHRIST First in Your Life

October 14, 2024

"Putting JESUS CHRIST First
in Your Life"

     This can be a difficult thing to hear for most people, but there is nothing or no one who should ever be as important to you as The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Some people do tend to find this a difficult thing to digest, because they love, are in love with, and/or deeply care for or about other people, places, and/or things. What people need to understand is this: when CHRIST JESUS is put first in your life, then everyone and everything else will just naturally seem to fall into place. The love you have for everyone and/or everything else will just be enhanced even more. How is that possible someone might ask? Well, it is because when JESUS CHRIST is put first as He should be, then I am The One Who will work to set everything else in order. Much too often in this world and in many lives, The Lord JESUS is often treated as a second-class citizen, if He is noticed at all. As most of you know, those who often come first are mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, cousins, or even some pets, and this indeed is out of order and is not right. 
     Now listen to Me, My children, I realize that this has been a somewhat difficult thing to hear, but there is no better time than the present to hear it before it is too late. What needs to be understood is that I am not saying that all those people mentioned before should not be loved, just that JESUS CHRIST should be first and foremost in a person's life. JESUS CHRIST Himself tried to tell people that unless they were willing to let everything else go they could not follow Him. That can be difficult to imagine for many of you I know, but until you do it, you will never know how great and how liberating it all can be. There is a spiritual freedom that comes from putting JESUS CHRIST first in your life. Let Me ask you; is it too much to ask any of you who have not put JESUS CHRIST first yet, to do so considering all that He has done for you? Also, remember that He first loved each of you enough to suffer and die for your sins so that you could have eternal life through Him. Now may you be one who puts JESUS CHRIST first in your life, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Putting the Old Self Away

October 13, 2024

"Putting the Old Self Away"

     With all of the violence that many children are seeing these days, no one should really be surprised to see how good some of these children are at being violent themselves. Also, judging by the foul language that comes from the mouths of some people, there should not be much of a surprise about the foul and obscene language that comes out of the mouths of some children. Some people mistakenly celebrate these things as if The Lord JESUS and I should also be proud of them, but oh how wrong they would be. The sad thing is, this stuff tends to be getting worse and not better with each passing generation. Please do not let Me get started with all of the sexual sins that are being committed, and a lot of it is being influenced by television and the movies, and sometimes even certain songs. Is it any wonder that so many young people are so confused these days about what is right or wrong judging by the examples being set by the adults in society? Also, let Me ask you this; I created them, male and female, so why are there so many other genders in this world?
     Yes, I know My children that I have mentioned these things before, but like anything else of importance, it all bears repeating. There are certain things that concern Me simply because I do not like seeing the direction in which the world is headed. Sure, there is a lot that I can do on My part to fix the problem, but I do not want to have to resort to such remedies. The One Person Who is really needed today is a serious relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I am not talking about just knowing Who JESUS is, but rather a true and loving relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Now those who are really serious about their relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS, will be bothered by such things as foul and obscene language because it should make CHRIST in them feel uncomfortable. The same goes when it comes to sexual immorality, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, gender confusion, and gender reassignment as well. Remember  these words from 1Peter 1:14-16 14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” To be in and with a serious relationship with JESUS CHRIST is to put CHRIST JESUS first in your life. When He is first, there is no room for those things that are not good, and that is what the child of GOD must come to understand. Now may you think differently about your life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Just Trying to Be Helpful

October 12, 2024

"Just Trying to Be Helpful"

     Does anyone not believe that people had problems in the days when JESUS CHRIST was on earth as compared to now? Well, let Me tell you this one thing: nothing has changed since those days, meaning that people had problems then just as they do today. The lesson that I want you to take away from Me asking this question is The Lord JESUS was never really nosy when it came to a person's personal business. Now of course He already knew what a person's problems were, but even so, He was not One to just butt into other people's business unless they asked. People were always sure to go to Him if needed, and He always took the time to listen to people and to try to do for them what they wanted or desired. When needed, He would either fix the problem directly or else He would reach out to His Father for something to be fixed and/or a prayer to be answered.
     Therefore, My beloveds, even though you might sometimes feel the need to be involved or be nosy, just learn to wait until you are invited into the situation before injecting your two cents. Oftentimes people become nosy and butt into things when they have no reason to do so at all. Or, they become nosy and butt in when they do not have or know the whole story about something. Sometimes people just need a little help and sometimes they might need a lot, but leave that up to them to decide. At any rate, it is better to know what kind of help is needed before you go sticking your nose where it does not belong. There are of course those who are either too afraid or too proud to even ask for help, in which case it is one of those rare times when you have permission to become a little nosy or inquisitive. If you do find yourself in such a situation, try not to embarrass anyone when inquiring about their situation. Remember now, your job as a follower of CHRIST JESUS is to try and be helpful and not nosy, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Live Free My Children

October 11, 2024

"Live Free My Children"

     If you take note of some people today, a lot of them just love to hang on to certain emotions that tend to cause them hurt and pain, and it oftentimes lasts longer than it should be. Time and again I have seen and heard people just brimming over with anger, hate, and bitterness, and usually over something that those who they are angry with have long forgotten. The thing that many of those who are tied up with this anger, hate, bitterness, and such do not realize is that they are only binding themselves up more times than not. I have indeed seen so many cases of people becoming slaves to those emotions, that they have a difficult time moving on in life. Also, many times, if they do happen to move on, whatever has gotten them upset is always in the back of their minds, so they are still not completely free or satisfied. As many of you are aware as well, there are people who do not need much of a reason to go down the road to anger, hate, bitterness, and such, and all it does is tend to poison the person who does not forgive inside and out.
     Therefore, what is the remedy or solution one might ask? Well, the answer, as in many cases, is the act of forgiveness. Have any of you ever noticed just how much energy goes into being upset, angry, hateful, and being bitter? That can and often is very exhausting. Have you ever noticed how someone you might be angry with might not even realize that you are so angry with them, and frankly they do not seem to care? Such people will many times just continue doing what they were doing without even giving the person angry with them a second thought. There is a freedom that comes with forgiveness which can be difficult for a lot of people to understand. Just think of it as, since my GOD is a forgiving GOD in CHRIST JESUS, then that places me who forgives close to them. It also keeps the forgiver from becoming all tied up in those unhealthy emotions. I love to see people live their lives free from bondages such as anger, hate, bitterness, and such. Now may you be free from such bondages, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Being Serious About Salvation

October 10, 2024

"Being Serious About Salvation"

     Many people just do not realize the seriousness of what The Lord JESUS did when He allowed Himself to be crucified. Some people tend to think that it was some sort of joke, which is the most ignorant thing anyone could think. He did not suffer for the sins of mankind, only so that people could keep sinning without even trying to change the way they live. Just think, how does someone say that they repent of their sins one minute, only to keep on sinning the next minute with no remorse at all. Much too often I hear people say a few words of asking The Lord JESUS to forgive of them of their sins, but their hearts are not in it at all. Many are just caught up in the moment so to speak, without any real intention of taking things any further with their relationship to JESUS CHRIST. Some people will just repeat the sinner's prayer trying to impress someone else without any intention of ever changing from what they have been doing. And of course, some people tend to believe that a loving GOD such as I will never send anyone to hell even if they do not change, but that is not the way it works.
     Oh My children My children, the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of The Lord JESUS CHRIST was not a joke, and so sad for those who seem to think that it was. Remember, I know the hearts of each and every individual, which means that I cannot and will not be deceived. Those who are truly serious about their repentance will at least try to put an end to whatever their sin was as they draw their strength from The Lord JESUS in order to overcome it. You just have to question the sincerity of those who do not even try to give their sin to The Lord JESUS and allow Him to help them overcome whatever it is. I want each of you to realize that it is not My will that any human being should have to go to hell, but mankind will manage to send themselves to hell by rejecting The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Now may you be one who does take what CHRIST JESUS did seriously, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

To Forgive Like JESUS

October 09, 2024

"To Forgive Like JESUS"

     How many of you have ever thought about the fact that even with all of your imperfections and shortcomings, The Lord JESUS CHRIST still decided to lay down His life as a ransom for many. JESUS CHRIST did not wait for any of you to clean up or to become perfect, He just laid down His life before any of you could do anything to be accepted by Him, which of course none of you could have done anyway. He also laid down His life knowing that many of you would reject Him, deny Him, insult Him, and/or even treat Him in ways other than how He should be treated, which is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is The Alpha and The Omega, the beginning and the end. JESUS CHRIST was and is The Holy Lamb of GOD Who takes away the sins of the world. He is The Word Who is and Who was with GOD in the beginning. And yes He is so much more of course, but even so, He laid down His life for a people who could not care less about Him.
     Now I have said these things to ask all of you, can you just extend a little courtesy to those around you who are not as wonderful and as perfect as you might be? Oh, I realize that most of you have never, and will never do anything for which you might need to ask forgiveness, but for the sake of those who do need to ask forgiveness for something, will you try to forgive them? I also realize that The Lord JESUS did not have to lay down His life for some of you, but for others of you, let freedom ring as far as setting you free from that sinful nature of yours. Many among you need to learn to forgive others just as CHRIST JESUS has forgiven so many of you. Some people do make mistakes sometimes, and they should not always be punished for life for making those mistakes. Learn therefore to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST in every way possible, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

GOD Does See Everything

October 08, 2024

"GOD Does See Everything"

     It would simply be amazing to Me if I did not know the nature of mankind, just how often they would think that they could hide things from The Lord JESUS and Myself. So many of them tend to believe that what they do, say, or have done in the dark will stay hidden when it was never really hidden from Us in the first place. It seems that some people tend to forget the fact that I am Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. And just in case some of you are unaware of what those terms mean, I know all there is to know so that nothing is ever hidden from MeI am present everywhere and at any given time, and I am My children, all-powerful. One of the problems with some of the people today is the fact that they never think about, or maybe even do not care, that nothing is ever hidden from Me at all so they just keep on doing what they do. Those who just do not care are playing a dangerous game indeed with Us because We will certainly not be mocked.
     Therefore My children, do not be so foolish as to believe that you have not been seen perpetrating whatever evil you might be doing at any time. Much too often in this world, people tend to think that The Lord JESUS and I are off somewhere taking a nap, all because their punishment is not instantaneous. What many of them need to realize is, that there is such a thing as grace and mercy and oftentimes forgiveness at work in their favor if what they have done is not too serious. Much to the surprise of some people, your Heavenly Father is not just waiting here to punish people for their mistakes. Believe it or not, We truly do desire to have a relationship with all of you who have committed to being a child of Mine in CHRIST. Just do not be or become someone who thrives on doing evil, for such is the person who is in danger of hell's fire. Now may you learn to be a blessing and not a curse to others, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, October 07, 2024

The Desire to Set People Free

October 07, 2024

The Desire to Set People Free"

     There will be times in this life when you might make all of the sense possible with some people, yet they will look at you as if you are speaking some foreign language. Lest anyone forget, The Lord Jesus also came to earth making sense, but yet people had a difficult time understanding what He was trying to convey to them as well. There will be those who will have ears to hear but not hear, eyes to see but yet not see, and the ability to understand yet not understand, all that is being said and/or taught. There will be times when some people can be so set on seeing things one particular way, that they become blind and deaf to being able to not understand anything any other way. I have seen and have heard some of you trying to enlighten other people about certain things, but your efforts have fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes, with people who do not want to understand at all. Trying to get through to them is like talking to that old proverbial brick wall.
     Now know this, My beloved, there will be those who, for whatever reason, will just not hear nor see nor understand whatever it is that you are trying to convey to them. I realize that it can be very frustrating at times, but never give up praying for these people. Remember that love is patient and kind, which is what is most often needed with individuals such as these. Also, keep in mind that from their perspective, you are the one with the problem of hearing, seeing, and understanding. Sometimes you just have to let certain events unfold before they are able to hear, see, and understand what you have been trying to convey to them all along. This can indeed be a problem if those who have this problem are members of your own family, in which case, do not feel bad, because even JESUS CHRIST had that problem at first with His earthly family. It would be so nice if you could just get through to people right away, but that is not always the case. Remember to add them to your prayers and pray that they be set free from the spirit of ignorance, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Give Thanks Always

October 06, 2024

"Give Thanks Always"

     Being that one of the easiest things a person can do in this life is to complain, it stands to reason that one the most difficult things there is to do is to give or be thankful. When one wants to complain, it can be for any reason whatsoever, and at any time things do not go according to plans. Being mature enough to accept when things do not work out as planned, is difficult for someone who does not realize or understand the fact that the world does not revolve around them and their wants and desires. It would be shocking to most people if they were able to see just how much they have been protected from in their life by something not going their way, and all they did was to complain about whatever it was that did not go their way. To know that We are here protecting, or at least trying to protect those of you who are Mine, should be seen as a blessed thing when most of the time it is not.
     Now try to remember these words of Paul My children from 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Give thanks My children for being able to see another day this morning, because many did not do so. If you happen to be mostly healthy, then give thanks for your health, because many people are not. Did you happen to go to sleep with a roof over your head, then give thanks for that as well. Are you blessed enough to have had food to eat, clean water to drink, and clothes to wear, then try to give thanks for that? If you have a job and do not have to beg for sustenance, then in the Name of JESUS My child, give thanks. Instead of looking for things about which to complain, begin to look for things for which you can be thankful. Just take a little time to look outside of yourself and your little world, and you will see people who really could have a lot about which to complain, but they are busy being thankful. Yes, My children, I realize that many people tend to face all kinds of tragedies in life, but with Us on their side, these things shall indeed pass. Even when it might be the hardest thing to do sometimes My beloveds, give thanks, and not because of what has gone wrong, but because JESUS CHRIST and I are on your side every step of the way, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Beauty Within

October 05, 2024

"The Beauty Within"

     Some people who the world thinks of as being so striking and beautiful, and also think that they are so intelligent, are seen as being the opposite in the eyes of JESUS CHRIST and Myself. Some of you might wonder why that is the case when no one else really sees them that way. Well listen, it is because We are able to see beyond just the outward physical appearance of a person to what is on the inside of an individual. Where those in the world might see beauty, We see the ugliness because of the evil lurking within the person. There is also the heart that is filled with such nastiness as hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness, which are all things that subtract from someone being seen as beautiful to Us. And when it comes to someone being considered to be intelligent, an intelligent human being would know better than to allow such filth into their lives. Wise therefore is the person who can see evilness, hatred, bitterness, and such for the evils that they are and put them out of their lives.
     Therefore My children, as a child of The Living GOD, let your true beauty and intelligence be seen first inwardly and then outwardly. We can see the beauty of the inner self and are then able to celebrate it as much as you wish to do so. Remember that as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you should let your light so shine that you glorify your Father Who is in Heaven. Always remember that if it is Us you are desiring to impress, let if begin with the inside first. Some of you might not be seen as beautiful by those who are in the world, but you truly are a beauty in Our eyes. It is so nice to see a heart that is pure, holy, honest, and devoid of hate and bitterness. Now may you who are Mine in CHRIST, be led by wisdom and love, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, October 04, 2024

When Deciding for Whom to Vote

October 04, 2024

"When Deciding for Whom
to Vote"

     Well hello there My children, I am sure that most of you are truly happy that this present political season is almost over, and so am I. The thing that JESUS and I can see that none of you can see, is just how evil, wicked, scheming, and lying some of the hearts in these politicians truly are. Also, what many of you also cannot see is the fact that many of these politicians have no conscience, and that is sad indeed, all they want is to win. Now of course these are not the attributes of every politician, but it is in enough of them to keep them from making any measurable progress for the people in general. As I have often mentioned before, politics is one of the nastiest professions there is around, and it is only because it is filled with so many selfish individuals who are only out to enrich themselves, and that is the deal on either side of the aisle. I have also mentioned that those who get into politics for the right reasons and with pure intentions are often deterred by the love of money and other unscrupulous individuals, even as they seek to do good for the people.
     Be happy, therefore, that this political season is almost over, at least until the next election rolls around. I realize that it can be difficult sometimes to separate fact from fiction, especially when it is coming from the mouth of a politician. It seems that all you can do anymore is to cast your vote for the lesser of two evils, but there is one more thing that can help you in your decision. One of the ways is to decide which political party and/or leaders are standing closest to the way that My Word reads, for there is no higher authority on anything than My Word. And sure, neither side might line up exactly with My Word, but one side is usually closer than the other side. Sure, most politicians will try to say what people want to hear in order to get elected, but if a person already has a record and has kept their promise while in there, and if it lines up with My Word, then that might be the one for whom you should vote. Be wise in making your decision therefore as to whom you should vote for, because satan will also have his people involved in the voting box as well. Now may there be good results in this voting season for all of you who are Mine, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, October 03, 2024

Are You Hearing GOD?

October 03, 2024

"Are You Hearing GOD?"

Now please listen to Me, My children, there are indeed times when I actually allow some of you to speak for Me as you write, because not everyone is able to hear Me speak to them. Some of you have been and are concerned about this matter of hearing Me, because you are not so sure yourselves sometimes, and I can understand that. You want to be sure for a good reason: you did not want to be an impersonator of Me, Almighty Jehovah, and get in trouble for doing it. You also did not want to mislead anyone in these last days, which is a good thing as well. I know that some of you have asked the question; why you? Most of you do not feel that you are anything special of course, and you are not. The thing that does make you special in My eyes is the fact that you have the ability to hear Me and then translate what I have said to and through you and your writing it down.
     Let Me say this to you who have difficulty believing what I am saying, you are not alone in this, so do not think of yourself as being so strange. There are those who would not be able to hear Me at all if it was not for you writing what I have said down. Also, know this, there are both the male and female genders among you who are in the process of transcribing what I have to say to people. I also want you to know that you are appreciated, and I am pleased that you take the time to listen and write as often as you do. You think that you are not that special I know, but you would be amazed to know how many lives you have helped by conveying to others what I have said. If you were not doing My will, I would have let you all know by now. Plus, all you need to do is to see if what I say in the messages lines up with My Word because those who are imposters will be exposed through the reading of My Word. So know that you are special and are appreciated by Me, and blessed you are for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Love and Do Not Hate

October 02, 2024

"Love and Do Not Hate"

     It does seem sometimes that the more people The Holy Spirit tends to draw to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, the busier satan becomes as well. The more love I try to implement into the world the more hate satan tries to instigate. What can be truly sad is when people claim to be Christians, but yet their hearts are filled with so much hatred for others. And even sadder than that, is how after all these many years of progress between the races, there are those on every side who want to hang on to that racial hate as if this type of confusion is going to be allowed in Heaven. I have said time and time again that there is no separation of the races in Heaven, and as a matter of fact, race is not even mentioned here in Heaven. Also, if race is such a big thing for and to any of you, you might want to think again if Heaven is even for you. Race has turned out to be a tool that satan has used to keep people at each other's throats and to cause confusion, and there are many today who are very good at doing his will. Just think, if that is the way I really wanted things to be, The Lord JESUS would have come to save only one certain race, but He chose to save whoever would believe.
     So now listen to Me, My beloveds, do not be a person who is so filled with such things as hate, evilness, racism, and such, because that will only serve to glorify satan and his ilk. Now remember these words, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself, that is what glorifies Me. Much too often in this world, people tend to allow selfishness and what is good for those who are closest to them to rule their hearts,  which is not loving thy neighbor as thyself at all. As many of you are aware, there are those who just love to play the victim even when there is so much evidence to the contrary. There is one thing that I do abhor, and that is the person who loves to stir up trouble for trouble's sake, which again is what satan loves to do. Now may you be one who will learn to be a lover and not a hater, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Power of Self-Control

October 01, 2024

"The Power of Self-Control"

     Believe it or not My children, I still have a little more to say about the subject of abortion that I began yesterday. I see that I upset many people yesterday because of what I said. Still, I could not care less that your feelings were hurt, because life is more important to Me than any of your hurt feelings, especially when it comes to the little ones who cannot defend themselves. As I mentioned yesterday, only a tiny amount of people are so uninformed and ignorant as to not know how children are created. Therefore, knowing how children are formed, people need only show some self-control if they do not want to be responsible for bringing a life into this world just to murder them. And in those comparatively few cases where a pregnancy is the result of forcible rape and/or incest, it should be noted that the unborn child is not the one responsible for what has occurred. Even when such a life is the result of such a violent act, the fact still remains that I allowed a life to be created, did I not?
     Now think about this My children, do you believe that every one of you were a planned pregnancy at the time you were conceived and born? And do you believe that every one of you was conceived in a loving and unforced pregnancy? Have you ever heard the words,  but as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good? One of My specialties is turning around that which was meant for evil into that which is good, and I will do it every time that I am given the chance to do so. Too often in this world, people tend to behave as if they have no self-control whatsoever, but so many people have also proven that to be untrue. Contrary to popular belief, you are not a bunch of mindless animals being unable to control yourselves. If you were to watch the movies and/or television, you would think that there was no such thing as self-control, but that is a lie from the pit of hell. Give some thought to what has been said in these last two messages, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Who Are You Worshipping?

September 30, 2024

"Who Are You Worshipping?"

     Let Me say this first of all, I, Almighty Jehovah, am going to say something that is probably going to offend a whole lot of you, but I am beyond caring about your hurt feelings. As anyone who is familiar with Me and Who I am should know, I am more into righteousness, truth, purity, and holiness than I am in someone's hurt feelings. If I would have been so concerned about hurt feelings, I would never have given Moses The Ten Commandments to be given to the people. I also would never have chosen some of the people I did choose to do great and wonderful things in this world. Many of you are worshipping satan and death without really realizing it. So you do not believe Me? Well, who is it that comes to steal, kill, and destroy according to My Word but satan? Now here is the hard reality, those who worship at the altar of abortion, are worshipping satan without realizing it. The Lord JESUS came to give life and not death, but so many of you are determined to worship the killing of babies, and it is a shame that the killing of babies is such a priority in so many of your lives. I am not saying that you cannot or will not be forgiven for the killing of babies, but when you worship at a certain altar time and time again, which altar do you think is more important to you? Such people might as well be holding a sign saying; I want my right to kill babies, and you have nothing to say about it. I bless people with a baby and they kill it, and that is something I am seeing time and time again, and the really sad thing is, some people tend to have little to no conscience about doing it at all.
     So now listen to Me, My beloveds, this is indeed a difficult thing for many of you to hear, but there will be no more glossing over something that is so tragic as taking the life of a baby. Oh I know there are many of you who try to make it less tragic by calling the baby a fetus, but just give that fetus a chance to grow and develop and see what the fetus becomes. Just think, at one time or another, every single one of you was a fetus, and look at you now. Oh, I know that a lot of people just love to try and muddy the waters by coming up with certain exceptions, but now really, how often are those exceptions occurring? Most people in general are just afraid of hurting someone's feelings, but what about the feelings of the one who is being murdered? Or do you not believe that he or she feels anything? Are there any among you really that callous as to believe such a thing? Most people are aware of how life is created between a man and a woman, so the best way to prevent having to murder a baby is to not do what it takes to make one. And this lame excuse about it being "my body", well once a life is created, it is no longer "my body", it then becomes "our body". Oh, I hear it now, GOD would not be so mean as to say these things, but oh, you think that I would be so nice as to say just let another million babies be murdered because of selfishness. Remember again who it is that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and decide if you love worshipping him or Me. Now may this message open the eyes and touch the heart of at least one person, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Taking A Stand for CHRIST

September 29, 2024

"Taking A Stand for CHRIST"

     It is truly a sad thing when people are afraid to take a stand for righteousness, honesty, and purity, all because of the fear of making some people in the world angry and upset. Those who see truth as truth and lies as lies are able to walk in the footsteps of The One Who gave His life for theirs. Much too often these days, people have become fearful of saying certain things, thinking that they will no longer be liked by others when that really should not matter to them at all. That is the type of thing that little children concern themselves with, and no adult should see themselves as being that childlike. Now those who know without a doubt that they are in the right on certain issues, should be able to stand tall no matter what anyone might think of you. I see way too much knuckling-under happening all because someone has taken the opposite view on an issue, but when you know that you are right, then just stand by your convictions no matter what anyone might think or say.
     Therefore My beloveds, learn to be bold in your walk with The Lord JESUS CHRIST realizing that there will be those who will no longer want to be affiliated with you because of your love for CHRIST JESUS. Know too that there will be those who will say that they love JESUS, but their friendship with the world will always seem to come first. The love for JESUS, for such people, will be a love of convenience, of sorts, because of not wanting to upset those who are of the world. Such are the types of people who will willingly or unknowingly take the mark of the beast in the end times for fear of upsetting those of the world. When you are able to stand on the truth of Who JESUS CHRIST is no matter what the consequences are that you have to face, then you can say that you are indeed a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I will see to it that you are blessed because you have not turned your back on CHRIST JESUS, and a sure blessing you will be for standing strong, in His Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

You Cannot Put GOD in A Box

September 28, 2024

"You Cannot Put GOD in A Box"

     When I think of how some people think about Me, I have to say that they should stop trying to put Me in their little old manmade box because I will never fit. So many times people will say what I will and will not do, who I will and will not use, who I will and will not save, or even who I will allow to live or will not allow to live. As many of you know, there are people that I have chosen to do and/or be certain things in this life, that if man would have chosen, those whom I have decided to choose would not have even made the cut, so to speak. There are some people that I choose to convey My messages in one way, and certain other people I will choose to convey My messages in a completely different way. Again, some of these people would not have been chosen by anyone who knows them either. Mankind can be so amusing as far as how and what they think of Me, especially those who think that they have Me all figured out, but they really do not.
     Now from this day forth My children, recognize the fact that your Heavenly Father can never and will never fit into any box that any of your minds are capable of conceiving. My ways are definitely not your ways, and My thoughts are seriously higher than any of your thoughts. I can take the weakest, most feeble, most mentally challenged among you and turn you into superstars, and it all can be done in the twinkling of an eye. I often grow weary of people saying what their GOD will and will not do, as if they are by My side 24 hours a day. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is The Only One Who knows Me with such accuracy, but there are even some things that He does not know. I will say this, life is much bigger than some of the little ponds in which some of you swim, and blessed are you who realize that fact. That is why the wisest thing that anyone can do, is to hand the keys of their life over to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and blessed they will forever be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Friday, September 27, 2024

GOD's Thoughts About the Upcoming Election

September 27, 2024

"GOD's Thoughts About the 
Upcoming Election"

     As many of you have read and/or heard, if a certain person was to win the upcoming Presidential election, some people have vowed to do all sorts of things. Have you, who still have control of your senses, ever heard of anything so silly? Some people are talking about committing suicide, some are saying that they will leave the Country, and some others have vowed to do something else, and all because a certain person might win an election. Well now, My question to such people is, what if it is My will for that certain individual to win the election? Oh yes, some of you are saying that I would never allow such a thing to happen, but how do you know? Do those of you who think that I would not allow it to happen believe that you know better than I do who would be the best choice to run this Country? Some of you are wondering why I would even be concerned about such things, and it is because it involves My children and who I might want to be in leadership over them.
     Therefore, all I have to say to those of you who are so shallow as to make threats to leave, kill yourselves, or do whatever else you have vowed to do, is that you should pray that I might have mercy on your precious little souls. Now look, if The Lord JESUS does not return before then, you will have a chance to make a different choice in four more years. People tend to get all worked up over the temporal things in life when they should be concentrating on the eternal things of life. And who knows, The Lord JESUS just might come back any day now, and all of this will not have meant a thing. Also, if He does not come back soon, He and I will ultimately be in control of everything anyway, so learn to just relax and not get so wound up about these things. Know this, JESUS CHRIST is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, no matter what this world's system thinks. I do hear the prayers of My faithful ones, and I will certainly do My best to answer them in the affirmative. So now may the best man or woman win in the upcoming election, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Do You Really Care?

September 26, 2024

"Do You Really Care?"

     Some people walk around claiming just how much they love The Lord JESUS and Me, yet they refuse to obey what We have asked them to do. And yes, some people claim that The Lord JESUS CHRIST is their Lord and Savior, but seldom if ever do they behave as if He is their Lord. Time and time again I have tried to speak to some people's hearts, only to be ignored in favor of them doing their own thing. There is a lot of trouble that some people could have avoided if only they would have taken the time to listen to what I was trying to say to them. Yes, I know that many people claim that they cannot hear Me when I am speaking to them, but could it be that either I am being drowned out by the noise of the world that surrounds them, or is it that they just have not taken the time to really listen to Me? There are in fact some people who do not even try to hear from Me, for fear of thinking that they will hear what they would rather not hear coming from Me.
     Okay now children of Mine in CHRIST, get this, I only want what is best for each of you and nothing else. Whatever I might ask of you will be to help you and not to hurt you. If I ask you to do something, be something, or go somewhere, it will only be because I love you. One of the things that people need to learn to do is to trust Me and The Lord JESUS in and through all things and at all times. If JESUS CHRIST is truly your Lord and Savior, then let Him be first in your life, and determine in your heart that you are going to listen to Him and obey what He has said. The same goes for Me as well. And for those of you who want to pretend that He has not said anything, just take the time to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John along with most of the New Testament for a start. Loving Us is more than just occupying a seat in Church on Sundays, it also includes spending time with Us during other times through the week as well. Remember, I loved each of you so much that I gave My Only Begotten Son,  that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, and may none of you forget it.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stop All of the Hating

September 25, 2024

"Stop All of the Hating"

     In this world today, there always seems to be someone to hate for any reason at all, and that My friends is such a shame. As most of you are pretty keenly aware, you can hate someone because of the color of their skin, whether it be black, white, brown, red, or yellow. There are also those who will hate just because of someone's religious beliefs or practices. One can be hated as well for the way they look, they act, they smell, the way they walk, and even sometimes how they talk. I have seen people hate one another based on a certain political party affiliation. Oh sure, there are times when one party tends to be headed in the wrong direction or off of the track per se, but that should be a call for prayer and not another reason to hate. Hating others is getting easier and easier to do for a lot of people these days when My Word calls for the opposite to be happening.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to rise above the petty emotion of hate. The heart that is filled with hate is one of the ugliest things you could ever see if you were able to see things the way that I see them. And lest you be deceived, do not think that hate is the domain of one particular race, creed, color, or religion, because it is an emotion that crosses all lines. Hate is something that will take years off of a person's life, which is why I do not like seeing it in My children's lives. Another reason why I do not like seeing hate in a child of Mine's life is because it is usually not a very pleasant sight to see. Now there were surely times when both JESUS CHRIST and I got angry, but He never allowed His emotions to develop into hate, and He is in you through The Holy Spirit or you are not really Mine. Now may this message get through to you who love to be haters, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Contentions with GOD?

September 24, 2024

"Contentions with GOD?"

     I hear many of you, asking Me, Almighty Jehovah, daily, all kinds of questions that they expect Me to answer. Those who are not questioning Me, are often angry with Me for some reason, or they claim to have stopped believing in Me which is a weird concept indeed when you think about it. I see it as being weird because they will be angry with a GOD in Whom they claim to no longer believe. I also very often hear people complaining about not having enough of this or that, or even about Me not being fair in the way that I treat people. Yes, I can see them envying and/or coveting what someone else has, thinking all the time that they deserve whatever it is more so than the other person. And oh please, do not let there be a death to someone who was loved, especially if that death was to someone who was considered to be young. Such cases as these, tend to really bring the questions of why as well as the anger towards Me, as if I should prevent every single death from occurring, or at least to their loved one.
     Now please listen to Me, My beloveds, just in case some of you did not get the memo, I am still indeed The King of the universe, The Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is in them. I am also The GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob lest anyone forget. I have created everything that creeps, walks, swims, flies, or slithers, which some people tend to forget. Yes, I do hear the complaining from many of you, but would it not be just as easy to give thanks sometimes as it is to be complaining every time you turn around? Oh sure, I am indeed a big enough GOD to deal with the anger that is often being spewed My way, because The Lord JESUS laid down His life to give each of you the right to do that as well. Most of you who do your complaining about things, would be shocked to see how much better things could be with a little thankfulness on your part. And when it comes to what is fair, Who better to decide such things than The One Who sees and knows everything. Yes, I know that many people do leave this life at a very young age, but listen, if you who are left play your cards right, so to speak, you will most assuredly see most of them again if they were in CHRIST. Now may you be one who knows how to be more thankful in life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, September 23, 2024

The Mighty Love of CHRIST

September 23, 2024

"The Mighty Love of CHRIST"

     Even though I realize that some people truly do love The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Me, I am also well aware of the fact that none of the people are perfect. True, some are and can indeed be worse than some others, but as I mentioned in yesterday's message, that is what the blood of JESUS CHRIST came to overcome. Also, if you remember, I reminded everyone that My Only Begotten Son laid down His life voluntarily to do what was impossible for mankind to do for themselves. There is only one sin that is so great that a person will not be forgiven for committing, and that is the sin of blasphemy. There will always be those who think that what they have done cannot and will not be forgiven, which is what the devil wants a person to think. He tries to get into a person's thoughts and whisper to them that there is no forgiveness possible for them because of what they have done, but always remember that the devil is a liar, and the last thing he wants is for any of you to know the truth of what the blood of JESUS CHRIST can do.
     So from this day forth My lovely ones, do not be deceived by the devil or by your conscience, thinking that there can be no forgiveness for you at all. Just think about the many people in My Word who found forgiveness for the things they did, and there are many more than those who were mentioned of course. I realize that people are capable of doing some mighty disgusting and perverted things, but the blood of JESUS CHRIST is powerful enough to cover it all. The life that has been forgiven is the sweetest and most beautiful thing there is. Some of you are feeling sad and/or unloved because of what you think that you have done and cannot be forgiven, but come on unto Me anyway, because My arms are wide open and are very accepting. Allow the blood of JESUS CHRIST to wash away your sins, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

JESUS CHRIST Will Wash Away Your Sins

September 22, 2024

Away Your Sins"

     Some people feel that they cannot say anything to or about something that someone has or is doing that is wrong, because they have done some bad things as well themselves. Those who believe that way and think that they should keep quiet because of their own wrongdoings, need only to remember just how powerful the blood of JESUS CHRIST truly is. Even when the one who thinks that they have done some wrong things that are or were just as bad or worse than someone else's, the blood of JESUS CHRIST is still more powerful than any sin they might have committed and is, therefore, able to wash away their sins and make them as white as fresh-fallen snow. By you, being a transgressor realizing that there is forgiveness to be found for your sins, you can then also help comfort the other person with this revelation. It is always easiest to just say nothing at all because of fear, but that is not what The Lord JESUS would do.
     Therefore My lovely sinners, come unto Me and be washed clean by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, for the blood of JESUS is more powerful than any sin you could have committed. If you see or know of someone else who is committing or has committed a sin, or who is even living in sin, just let them know that there is no sin the blood of JESUS CHRIST cannot wash away. Now know this My beloveds, JESUS CHRIST did not lay down His life for those who are already perfect and sinless, but rather He laid it down for the imperfect sinners of the world. JESUS CHRIST did in fact come to save those who were lost, to give sight to the blind, to enable the deaf to hear, and to set the captives of sin free. The Lord JESUS is a Liberartor and One Who can forgive the unforgivable. Now may you be free to help bring freedom to others in return, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Presenting The Holy Spirit

September 21, 2024

"Presenting The Holy Spirit"

     There are many spiritual gifts in and to the body of CHRIST in order to strengthen, edify, and empower them as they worship together. There are and will always be those who think there is nothing special about the way one worships, and such are those who will end up worshipping in vain without the presence of The Lord JESUS and The Holy Spirit these days. Many of these types of Churches are being occupied by people who do not care what My Word has to say about anything, because they are more interested in being popular and also in the pleasing of the people that attend. Most of them do not even realize that The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, or I are even absent because of them being so enthralled in the sentiments of mankind. When The Holy Spirit is absent of course, there is no power, no love, and no joy to be found in such an environment, especially not in the Church.
     From this day forth oh children of Mine, seek out a Church that is not afraid of or ashamed of preaching from My Word. There can be a Church on every corner so to speak, but without JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit being present in that Church, the people might as well be sitting in empty buildings. Those who watch telecasts from their homes from a Minister who is not afraid to teach from My Word are much better off than those who sit in buildings where there is no presence of JESUS CHRIST or The Holy Spirit. Whenever The Holy Spirit is absent from any dwelling, Church or otherwise, then so are The Lord JESUS and I absent as well. This is one reason why some Churches never hardly if ever see any manifestations of the gifts of The Spirit, and oh how sad that is. I would love to be able to see a great move of the power of The Holy Spirit in the body of CHRIST, but no CHRIST means no Spirit. Now may you be situated in a place where JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit both reside, in His Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, September 20, 2024

Trying to Understand GOD

September 20, 2024

"Trying to Understand GOD"

     Someone once commented on how silly it is for a finite being like mankind, with very limited understanding, to try to explain the actions of an Infinite GOD such as Myself. This is especially true when you try to understand The GOD that I appear to be in The Old Testament of The Bible as compared to The One people see in The New Testament. As My Word states, I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, so why does it not appear to be that way as you read? Things might seem different in the beginning because We had to get everything established as far as the development of mankind was concerned, thus there were certain things that We had to do, in order to make certain other things work according to the way that We had them planned. Oh yes, I am sure you are saying that you would have done things differently, but would your way have been that much better? I doubt it, simply because you do not know what We know and knew, and that puts you at a disadvantage because of that finite mind of yours.
     Therefore My children in CHRIST, just try to learn to roll with Us no matter what, trusting and having faith in Us every step of the way. Once We were through setting things up in The Old Testament, We then began to do a new thing in The New Testament, but I was still the same GOD. I made all of the prophecies in The Old Testament and had most of them fulfilled in The New Testament through My Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. From day one, of course, We knew there would be the need for a Savior to cleanse the sins of mankind, thus the birth of JESUS CHRIST. I realize the fact that there will be many who will just not receive JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, but that is entirely their right of course, which also means they are choosing hell as their final destination. May you who have had ears to hear make the wiser choice today, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.