Wednesday, November 20, 2024

True Intelligence and Wisdom

November 20, 2024

"True Intelligence and Wisdom"

     Some people in this world tend to act as if they are and have more intelligence and wisdom than everyone else around them, and they happen to be some of the worst people to be around. Many of these people are good at trying to make others seem small and inconsequential, which is certainly not the way anyone should treat another. A person who is truly wise knows how other people should be treated, and even how to lift them up. A wise person will take the time to care about others, to edify others, and not tear others down. They also have the desire to want what is best for others. Much too often these days, a lot of people tend to be only interested in what is good for them alone, not caring much at all about others. Some people say in fact that this is a dog-eat-dog world, but only someone who does not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST would say and believe such a thing because that was certainly not His way of thinking. The closer anyone gets to CHRIST JESUS the further away from the way the world thinks they will become.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try not to be the type of person who thinks that they know everything, even if you believe in your heart and mind that you do. The truly wise and intelligent person knows how to make other people feel important as well. They do not run around belittling others and making others feel less than they already might feel, because they know the benefit of edifying others rather than tearing them down. The main reason some people even try to tear others down is to try and make themselves feel more important. When you take the time to study The Lord JESUS and His ways, the only people He was really hard on were the so-called religious leaders of His day. Remember, 2 Corinthians 8:9 saysYou know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich. JESUS CHRIST never really lorded over anyone here on earth because He was more than confident in knowing Who He was. Now may you be just as wise and as intelligent as CHRIST JESUS in how you behave, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Are You A Forgiver?

November 19, 2024

"Are You A Forgiver?"

     Some people tend to find the concept of forgiveness difficult to understand, but such is the difference between mankind's reasoning and Mine. Mankind tends to want to place certain limits on when, who, and/or why to forgive, when I do not really have such limits as far as forgiveness is concerned. There is really one thing that I have cited as far as not forgiving someone, and that would be the blaspheming of JESUS CHRIST  and The Holy Spirit. He or she who speaks of JESUS CHRIST or The Holy Spirit in terms of being evil is in danger of blaspheming them and not being forgiven for doing so. Forgiveness should not be taken lightly, and blessed are those of you who have learned to not do such a thing. Mankind tends to hold grudges and to not forgive others for any number of reasons, all of which mean very little to Me.
     Now know this, My children, forgiveness is always more for you than it is for those who might have transgressed against you. As a child of Mine in CHRIST, you need to remember that you are supposed to be becoming a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, and not a learner and a follower of mankind. Most of you have already perfected that part of yourself by not being willing to forgive anyone for even the smallest of trespasses, let alone something big. Those of you who are wise should give some thought to what The Lord JESUS did for all of you. Remember, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says,  For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Or let Me ask you this, is there any one of you who truly believes that you did not need CHRIST's forgiveness? Therefore My beloved, be ye ready to forgive those who might trespass against you so that I in turn will forgive you of your trespasses. May you therefore forgive like JESUS rather than like man, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, November 18, 2024

Oh Get Over It Already

November 18, 2024

"Oh Get Over It Already"

     After this past Presidential election, there are so many sad and unhappy people who are having trouble accepting the final results. The funny thing to Me is, that those who feel like they cannot accept the results now are some of the same people who thought that the other side would have trouble accepting the results if everything would have gone the other way. It has been almost two weeks now since the election yet there are still people whining, griping, and complaining about the results, which as I said before, is what they thought the other side would be doing if they had lost. People such as these will find themselves being unnecessarily miserable if they do not learn to accept the reality of the results. They will have trouble finding peace within, joy unspeakable, or the ability to be content in all things as The Apostle Paul said. What is really sad, is the fact that certain people are employed in jobs that are meant to cause derision, confusion, and/or even hate at times, which is the work of satan and his cohorts.
     Therefore, people, the time has come for you to get over being dissidents and once again join the human race. Life is not and will not be as some of you have been led to believe. You must also keep in mind that JESUS CHRIST and I are still on the throne, if that is, you are one who believes in Us and not necessarily mankind. There are far too many of you who are making yourselves miserable for no good or plausible reason, all because of what you think will happen in the future. Now listen people, life is much too short to spend it being angry, upset, and/or miserable over what might happen in the future. Be at peace and be filled with joy as you learn how to be content in all things. Do not allow yourselves to be led by and influenced by those of destruction, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Blessing of JESUS CHRIST

November 17, 2024

"The Blessing of JESUS CHRIST"

     When thinking about how seriously I, Almighty Jehovah, take the Ten Commandments which were meant to point mankind towards doing what was right or wrong and their need for a Savior. Now obviously the first Commandment found in Exodus chapter 20, of not having any other GOD before Me is of course the most important because after all, I am The One True GOD and there are no others like unto Me. Secondly, which is equally important is, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. Those who cannot wrap their minds around that truth are already on the brink of condemnation. Thirdly, you shall not take The Lord thy GOD Name in vain, which is something that a lot of people tend to disregard on a fairly regular basis. Fourth, one should remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy, which is something else that is seldom done today. Fifth, one should honor their father and their mother that their days may be long. Sixth, one should not commit murder which again is something that is taking place every day around this world. Seventh, you shall not commit adultery, which tends to be a commandment that means very little to a lot of people. Eight is you shall not steal, which a lot of people will do and try to justify their reason for doing it later. Ninth is you shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor, but as you know, this is being done regularly against people. The tenth is not coveting anything of your neighbor's, but then many people are doing this very thing as well.
     So as you read these Ten Commandments, My children, it should be made clear why there was and is a need for The Lord JESUS CHRIST, My Only Begotten Son. This world, My friends, did and needs a Savior because too many people have gone their own way, and there are many who are still doing that same thing today. So many people just seem to find it easy to ignore My  Ten Commandments since there is no seemingly immediate punishment for their disobedience. I do not want to have to be a GOD Who needs to punish people right away for stepping out of line, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to not do so. If it had not been for the sacrifice of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, most of you would have already been condemned. Seldom does anyone stop to give thanks to and for The Lord JESUS and what He has done for them. When you really stop and think about the wickedness that is found in most people today, there should not be one day that passes whereby someone does not drop to their knees and give thanks for what JESUS CHRIST has done for them. Blessed are any and all of you who do remember to give thanks to The Lord JESUS CHRIST for His shed blood that cleanses you. You who have claimed JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior should always be mindful of the salvation that is brought to you through CHRIST JESUS, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Blessed and Most Holy Name.


Saturday, November 16, 2024


November 16, 2024


     Blessed are those of you who exhibit patience in your daily lives, because patience is something that not everyone has and that is often needed. It is not that it is impossible to achieve, or else there would be no one who has it, but there are those who do of course have it at one time or another. Patience is one of those attributes that has to be somewhat cultivated and nurtured because it does not just naturally occur in a person's life. As most of you know, it is something that comes after a whole lot of practice, trials, and tests of faith. Sometimes, when there is a need for patience, one can see the need before the need becomes evident to others. Patience is also something that is fortified by faith because rarely does patience without faith last for any length of time. Patience is also something that will help people get through those times when it seems that life is against them, which again is where faith becomes the anchor.
     As you make your way this day My beloved, let patience be a major element of your life. I just need you to remember that without faith being an important ingredient in your life, patience is sure to be very limited. In your walk with The Lord JESUS, there are going to be times when patience is expected, because not everything occurs when you might expect it or want it. There are times when patience is needed to help you learn a lesson before it is too late. Too often in this world, impatience tends to land people in a lot of trouble, and oh what a sad thing that turns out to be. Those who learn to be patient tend to be calm and at ease, even when times are tough, while impatience tends to make people anxious and nervous. Now may you be one who has learned to be patient through all things, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, November 15, 2024

Do Not Be A Hater

November 15, 2024

"Do Not Be A Hater"

     Some people, in this world, tend to be natural-born haters, while others have grown to be that way because of their experiences in life. Those for whom hating seems to have come naturally, are usually born that way or have been that way since childhood. They are the type who have usually made a habit of laughing at and ridiculing others, or even gossiping about and spreading unfounded rumors about others. They will usually expect you to be able to put up with negative type things about yourself but are unwilling to put up with the same things that come their way. They are often the type of people with a short temper, not being willing to live by the same medicine they tend to so easily dish out to others. Haters who tend to have been created will usually end up being that way because of something negative and unpleasant that occurred in their life, and which therefore caused them to become haters of and towards other people, which is no excuse of course.
     Now listen people, if you find yourself being a hater, then you are one who most resembles that old devil satan and not The Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is and was a Lover and not a hater, and it was in His nature to do good towards and for others. The only real hate that JESUS CHRIST can be accused of doing is the hate of evil and those who practice it. No, He surely was not a fan of evil or of anything that had to do with evil, which is why He was always at odds with the kingdom of darkness. You see, satan loves to create misery, unrest, and all sorts of turmoil, any time and anywhere he can which is the opposite of The Lord JESUS. Satan also loves to try to take something good and try to turn it into evil, whereas The Lord JESUS will take that which was meant for evil and turn it into good. Hate is something that My Kingdom will not tolerate for long, and blessed are you who will keep that in mind, in JESUS Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Are You Having Trouble Hearing GOD?

November 14, 2024

"Are You Having Trouble 
Hearing GOD?"

     Sometimes, even those of you who do not usually have trouble hearing Me will indeed have a hard time doing so for any number of reasons. It can sometimes be because there are too many other things on your mind, and they tend to drown Me out so that it becomes next to impossible for you to hear what I am trying to say. It can also be basically the same type of thing when there is something heavy on and/or in your heart that might be weighing you down. If this is the case, then you need to try and identify what it is and just hand it over to Me in JESUS' Name. It can sometimes be difficult to hear because you are not feeling very good, because when you are not feeling well, it can affect your body, your soul, and your mind, and zap all of the strength right out of you. There are also times when sin can cause interference between you being able to hear Me or not. Sin acts like a wall between you and Me, and it will be difficult to hear until the sin is dealt with. Unforgiveness in your heart can also make it difficult to hear, so let there not be any unforgiveness in your heart.
     Therefore child of Mine in CHRIST, first let Me say that it is always My will for any of you to be able to hear Me. I do not intend for it to be difficult for you to hear, so just examine yourself and see if there might be anything interfering with your being able to hear on your end. It is often very easy to forget trying to hear and just give up rather than trying to check on your end to determine if there is any interference going on between you and Me. There just might be times as well when you will find that you are just mentally drained and are unable to focus on anything much at all, including trying to hear Me. So as you consider trying to hear Me speaking to you, and if you find that you are having difficulty hearing, just go through some of the obstacles mentioned above and see if any of them might apply to your situation. Now may you and I continue to be able to communicate, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Trust and Faith

November 13, 2024

"Trust and Faith"

     Many people often tend to have a tough time trusting and keeping faith in Us these days, and it is usually because of what they are experiencing in their lives thus far. Many began with a strong and seemingly unmovable faith, but certain setbacks and disappointments in life have caused them to doubt things. In a lot of cases in fact, they will still have the belief that The Lord JESUS and I can still do the impossible, but the question seems to be, believing if and/or will We do whatever it is for them. I realize that life can be somewhat scary sometimes when you have nothing or no one else to lean on but Us, but that should be enough even though you cannot see and sometimes cannot hear Us. Some people might even have the idea that they are not or have not been heard when they pray, which is something that I would never want any of you to believe. Even though it might take a little time for Me to answer some of your requests, you should always be aware of the fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST and your Heavenly Father will always be faithful.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn to be patient as far as trusting and believing in Us is concerned. You will never know everything that might be taking place in the spiritual realm of life, My children, as far as answering some of your prayers are concerned. In this spiritual realm of which I am speaking, so much tends to take place that can be confusing, but really is not when all has been said and done. It might be confusing to and for you because you are not able to see and/or hear everything that is taking place like We can. It does not matter what any of you feel or see taking place around you, The Lord JESUS CHRIST is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and do not ever forget that. And once again My children, remember the importance that patience has in this walk of faith, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Stop Staring at the Trees

November 12, 2024

"Stop Staring at the Trees"

     I know that many of you have seen and/or heard of people who just cannot seem to see the forest for staring at the trees, and it occurs in every phase of life in one way or another. It will tend to apply to people who are so determined to make racial discrimination such a major part of their life, that they become blind to the good that is found in other people of that particular race that they are complaining about. They will often become so blind in fact that they will not even be able to see that they are often just as bad or worse than those about whom they are complaining. This can also be true about people who tend to have some resentment towards people who have a lot of money or who tend to be rich according to this world's standards. Many are also blind to the fact that things could really be a whole lot worse if not for those who they seem to resent for having money or being rich. Just think about what kind of world this might be if everyone was just barely making a living and/or living from hand to mouth.
     Now listen My beloved, it would sometimes do a person good to just stop and consider certain things in and about life sometimes. It would behoove My children to be slow to jump on the bandwagon of the whiners and complainers sometimes and quick to just be considerate towards others. And do not be so anxious to judge others and come to certain conclusions about people and their actions, especially if you do not know them very well. There are a lot of times in life when things are not quite what they seem, but you would never know it unless you gave it a chance to work out. There are a lot of people who have become stuck staring at the trees when the forest is so much more interesting. If you ever take the time to notice, most of those who spend time concentrating on the trees instead of the forest, tend to be among those who are constantly whining and complaining about something, which is a sad way to live life, especially since life is so short. Now may you be a person who can see the beauty of the forest, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, November 11, 2024

Seeking Truth

November 11, 2024

"Seeking Truth"

     As many of you are aware, some people can hear the truth, and know what they have been told is true, but yet still choose to believe the lie. These are the type of people who will be easily deceived in the last days, all because they have chosen to reject the truth. Many people also live their lives not being willing to believe anything other than what their preconceived thoughts have already concluded, no matter how much truth you try to show them. These are the type of people as well who will always believe the worst of anything, no matter how much good about something is revealed. It is sad to say, but many such people are known to be easily deceived, because they will seldom ever take the time to investigate what is true on their own, thus being easily deceived. Until such people as these begin to seek out the truth for themselves, deception shall be the name of the game for them. 
     Now listen children of Mine in CHRIST, do not be too shocked when you encounter such people who are resistant to hearing the truth. This is especially true when these people begin to believe that you are the deceiver and the one who cannot be trusted. Those who truly seek the truth will often find it without having to dig very deep for it. Blessed is the person who loves the truth, for they shall walk in righteousness. He or she who does not seek truth will be seen as people who are destined to be deceived and misled. Always beware of what is popular in and to the world, because the world and its ways are often contrary to those things which are good, righteous, and holy. Sometimes the truth is like a treasure that needs to be discovered, and blessed are those who do find it. Now may you be a seeker of, and one who loves the truth, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

What Type of Christian Are You?

November 10, 2024

"What Type of Christian Are You?"

     One of the many wrong and bad things that anyone can do when it comes to someone else, is to judge, criticize, and make assumptions about them. I see this type of thing taking place daily before people even have a chance to know who or what someone else might be all about. It is indeed sad but true just how often and how normal judging others tends to be even before a welcome mat has been extended to them. To judge someone without even really knowing them is an evil thing to do in My sight. Something else that a lot of people will tend to do along the same lines is gossiping about others, which again is considered to be evil in My book. Much too often these days, I see people and their reputations being destroyed all because of people gossiping about them. The same thing tends to occur when it comes to judging others as well, and people forget these words of JESUS in Matthew 7:1-2, (1) Judge not, that you be not judged. (2) For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
     So now listen to Me, My children, as a child of Mine in CHRIST, do not allow yourselves to get all caught up in making assumptions, judging, criticizing, and gossiping about others. These things I consider to be evil because they do not do anything at all to edify others, which is what a Christian should be trying to do for people. Be always mindful of these words that are found in Luke 6:31, And just as you men to do unto you, you also do to them likewise. Do not be one of those people whose purpose is to ruin someone else's name and/or reputation, because such things have a way of coming back around on you. It does anger Me at times to see and/or hear some of the things people will say and/or do to one another, especially when they are claiming to be children of Mine in CHRIST. Now may you who say that you are Mine, begin to act as if you really are, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, November 09, 2024

Learning to Be Like JESUS

November 09, 2024

"Learning to Be Like JESUS"

     Blessed are those who are slow to anger and who are quick to forgive others, for they shall be known as children of The Living GOD. In this present age, there is always something that can easily be misconstrued and that will cause certain people to become all upset and angry. This is especially true of those who tend to possess a short fuse as far as their emotions are concerned, and who are therefore always ready to fight or go to war. Some people tend to think of those types of people as being bold and strong when in reality, they are really some of the weakest individuals around. I am saying that they are weak because they have very little to no self-control, especially as far as their emotions are concerned. There are many today for example who are always ready to come to blows over the slightest provocation, and that My friend is called weakness. Some people also tend to dislike someone just because of their skin color, their race, their ethnicity, or any other such characteristic, which again is considered to be an emotional weakness in My book.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, if indeed you claim to be a child of Mine, then learn how to resemble CHRIST JESUS more so than you resemble those in the world. Learn also to exhibit more self-control in your life as well. Remember, JESUS CHRIST endured all manner of insults, ridicule, disrespect, and even torture while He was on earth. Some of you tend to get angry just because someone might look at you funny. Some of you tend to walk around with a proverbial chip on your shoulder, and once again ready to go to blows over the smallest sign of disrespect. Some of you as well, often allow your emotions to control you rather than learning to control your emotions. Know this, there is a time to be angry and a time to be at peace, and you need to be smart enough to discern which to be at any given time in life. From this day forth, therefore, be who you are in CHRIST JESUS, and a blessing you will surely be to others, in and through His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Friday, November 08, 2024

Learn to Be Thankful

November 08, 2024

"Learn to Be Thankful"

     Instead of being someone who begins the day whining, griping, and complaining before their eyes even open good, be or become someone who will learn how to be content, at peace, and filled with joy when you first awake in the mornings. It does not take very much to be or become such a person who tends to be always whining, griping, and complaining, and the evidence of this fact is being seen daily. As a matter of fact, it is somewhat contagious to be around such people, because it does not take very much to get others started doing the very same thing as well. It is such a shame that these types of individuals have a difficult time appreciating everything that is good in their lives. To listen to some people, in fact, you would think there are never any good days worth mentioning in their lives, but rarely is that ever the truth. Some people just live to be whiners, gripers, and complainers to keep confusion going in their lives. 
     Now from this day forth, especially if you claim to be a child of Mine, practice waking up with good thoughts and giving thanks to The One Who kept you safe and secure overnight. Instead of being so quick to whine and complain, learn to be quick to be and to give thanks in and for your life. Sure there will be trials and tribulations in life every now and then, but JESUS CHRIST said to be of good cheer for He has overcome this world. Learn to count your blessings as much as you tend to count your problems and see how much better your life will become. It seems that some people are just not happy unless they are whining and complaining about something, and yet they wonder why their life is not much better than it is. With so much negativity following them around, where is there any room for the positive elements in their life? It is very important to let the sunshine into your life, so to speak, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, November 07, 2024

The Second Day After the Elections

November 07, 2024

"The Second Day After the Elections"

     It is truly sad to see and hear just how distraught so many people tend to be over something as simple as this Presidential election that just occurred in The United States. I have seen and heard people whining, crying, cursing, and doing and saying all sorts of irrational things, just because their particular Candidate lost the election. It is also amazing to hear the different reasons, explanations, and excuses for why a certain Candidate might have lost, other than the fact the winning Candidate just might have had a better plan and might have been more preferred than the one who lost. What many people tend to forget, on both the winning and the losing side, is the fact that I am still Almighty JEHOVAH, and The Lord JESUS CHRIST is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords no matter who the President is. True, it will be easier to work with a leader who is willing to listen to and obey Me and to govern as much as possible to the dictates of My Word, which does not seem to be as important to a lot of people these days.
     From this day forth people, whether you are one of Mine or not, just try to wrap your mind around the fact of Who is ultimately in control of everything. As I stated earlier, no matter who a certain leader is on this earth, their destiny, and often times their rule is determined by Me in JESUS' Name. No one has any more power than that which I have allowed, and if I do allow something, then it means that I will also have a solution to whatever might arise. What I really need for you who are so heartbroken over this election to understand is, to gather yourselves together, put an end to your pity parties, and try to remember that  I am still The One Who is ultimately in charge no matter what. Come what may children of Mine, My ears are always open to your prayers, and you shall be blessed according to how you are willing to obey in JESUS' Name. Realize that nothing much has changed when you arose this morning, so do not let the fearmongers bring you down, and blessed you will be if you do not, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The Day After

November 06, 2024

"The Day After"

     The Lord JESUS is willing and well able to help any and all of you who may have been traumatized by the recent Presidential election results of 2024. It is really sad to see, but many people tend to feel as if it is the end of everything good, when in reality, it is just the opposite. Many of you in fact who found yourselves on the winning side, were able to realize that even though your candidate was a long way from being perfect and was flawed in many ways, he was indeed better than the alternative. And lest any of you on the other side forget, your candidate was a long way from being perfect as well. If any of you know or have read about certain people that I have chosen in My Word to be leaders, you will see that most of them were also flawed in one way or another as well. I do not choose people according to their perfection scale, but rather I choose people who are willing to listen to Me and do My will. As President-Elect Trump stated, I saved his life on more than one occasion because I did have something for him to do, and if he will listen to Me, this Nation will once again be blessed, because it has been headed in the wrong direction for some time now.
     Therefore My readers, once again, I will explain why it is that Almighty JEHOVAH even cares about your Presidential election. I care because I am The GOD Who hears the cries and prayers of My people, and I have heard the prayers of the righteous coming up before Me. I care because My people are affected by what these election results end up being. Oh, I realize that some of My people were also on the losing side, but such as it is when there is a contest like this between right and wrong or good and evil. Some who lost but believed that they were on the right or good side, were deceived by looking at the wrong things other than the issues instead of what was best for the Nation, which tended to have happened a lot in this case. Just pick up My Word and give some serious thought to what It says, and then think about which party and/or candidate leaned more towards what My Word says. So if you are one of Mine and are feeling down today, let The Holy Spirit comfort you and help you to get over the shock of losing, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, November 05, 2024

The GOD of the Impossible

November 05, 2024

"The GOD of the Impossible"

     Some of you are facing some major health problems today, and I want you to know that We are indeed still with you wherever you are. I also want you to know that We will never leave nor forsake you. Many of you have been going through and have been taking certain tests along the way which tend to have not been very good for you. Certain tests you might take are generally good things, except for when they tend to indicate that something bad is occurring with and/or inside your body. Now look, certain numbers just might look scary to you I know, but is there anything that is impossible for your Heavenly Father? Well no, of course it is not, and all things are possible to and for those who believe and have faith. And yes there are times when I heal with the person not having any faith at all when it is My Sovereign will to do so. Some of you are concerned because of the numbers that were not good, but numbers are just numbers as far as I am concerned.
     From this day forth My children, never forget the fact that you can always lean on The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Myself for anything. I would like for each of you to know that My promise to never leave nor forsake any of My own still stands. Yes, I realize that not everyone is healed on this side of Heaven, but as the saying goes, it does not hurt to ask. You also have to realize just Who is The Creator of the human body and Who understands more than Us how it is supposed to work? I know there are many who have gone to their graves believing that they were going to be healed on this side, but that does not mean that their faith was or is for nothing. He or she who needs healing need only ask in JESUS Name and leave the rest up to Me. Remember, Luke 1:37 says,  For with God nothing will be impossible, and you can take that to the bank, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, November 04, 2024

Trapped By Your Habits

November 04, 2024

"Trapped By Your Habits"

     There are many different kinds of habits that some people have that actually work on shortening their lives. One thing that is proven by those who do not indulge in such bad habits is that not everyone wants to place themselves on a fast train to a shortened life. Now of course I do realize there are such things as accidents that can take a person's life any time of the day or night, or even certain other things such as evil intentions by someone that could end a person's life. But what I am talking about right now has to do with people who purposely engage in different activities that are known to not be good for anyone at all. Much too often in this world, many of the things that begin as being a little fun, turn into something that will take hold of a person and does not want to let go. Even whenever, "that something", is a detriment to a person's health, they have all kinds of trouble letting whatever it is go.
     Now listen to Me, My beloveds, I do indeed grow weary of seeing so many of My children being defeated by certain things in this life whose only purpose is to destroy life. JESUS CHRIST came so that those who came to Him could have life, and have it more abundantly, and all the while many believers are in the process of doing the opposite. I realize that much of the time it is not done on purpose per se, but that does not matter very much when whatever it is begins destroying your health. There are many of course who do live a long life even though they have bad habits and have not taken care of their health, but just think how much better it would have been if it was not for the bad habits. And of course, there are those who tend to try and live and do everything right, yet still have a shortened life, which could very well be for any number of reasons. Suffice it to say, it is better to leave this earth healthy and without pain than to leave it sickly and in pain after being trapped by some destructive habit. Now may you be one of the healthy ones when you come Home to Us, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, November 03, 2024

Being A Listener

November 03, 2024

"Being A Listener"

     There are indeed times when I might try to talk to some people, and they are either too busy to listen or they have surrounded themselves with too much noise to hear Me. There are times as well when if someone really wants to hear and listen to Me, they have to get alone somewhere where it is quiet and they will not be disturbed. It is not unusual to need to do such a thing of course, because even The Lord JESUS used to get away from everything and everyone to seek quietness to recharge and commune with Me sometimes. Some people will think sometimes that I do not want to speak to them when they have not done anything at all to prepare to hear Me. It is too easy for people to become so overwhelmed with life, so to speak, that hearing Me becomes next to impossible. There are also those cases when sin might get in the way of someone being able to hear Me as well, so one should always try to come before My throne of grace with a clean heart.
     Okay now My children, I have said before that it is My desire to be able to speak with My children and have them hear Me, but they have to make the time and effort to do so. One also has to have a sincere heart to be able to sit with Me and listen to and hear what I have to say. Sure, some among you are able to hear Me at any time of the day or night, but not everyone is able to do the same. Quietness is indeed a treasure to be found, especially with all of the business some of you have going in your life. I am always speaking in a still quiet voice, so you will never hear Me yelling at you trying to get your attention, that is a tactic that satan might try to use to distract you and get your attention. Just be mindful of the fact that I am a GOD of peace and tranquility and not a GOD of noise and confusion. Be still and listen quietly therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Blessed Name.


Saturday, November 02, 2024


November 02, 2024

"In JESUS Name"

     Many new converts to Christianity began the race enthusiastically and on top of the world, but later became less enthusiastic than they were in the beginning. Some of them began with a great deal of faith, or so it seemed, but as soon as there was a little adversity, that supposed faith tended to just get drained away. When the walk as a Christian began, there tended to be a great deal of joy, peace, and happiness, but then there came a time when these became difficult to maintain. When one first began their walk in and with CHRIST JESUS, their faith was unwavering and it was so easy to believe and trust in the fact of My Omnipotence, My Omnipresence, and My Omniscience. They were able to believe that their GOD was a Mighty GOD and was able to stand against anything and/or anyone. Usually, when they first come to CHRIST JESUS, they are interested in learning of and about everything concerning Him, but that too tends to last for just so long until a spiritual breakthrough is made possible on the other side. 
     Now listen to Me, My children in CHRIST, as many of you have discovered, becoming a Christian does not mean an end to your problems. As a matter of fact, you will probably find that your problems are just beginning because of the attack of satan and his minions trying to dash your spirit. It is a tactic he often uses because it has worked so often for him in the past. What he cannot tolerate is anyone who will stand against him in The Name of JESUS, for JESUS is The Name that is above all names. Those who remember their first time coming to CHRIST JESUS and how they trusted and believed in Him, will see a power in their life that can and will overcome any and all obstacles satan tries to put in their way. Just be aware that whatever obstacles you might face in your life, you will not be facing them alone because We will be right there with you every step of the way. Blessed therefore are you who learn to take a stand forevermore, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, November 01, 2024

JESUS CHRIST Is Everything

November 01, 2024

"JESUS CHRIST Is Everything"

     Some people have been blessed enough to live in a big fine house, to drive a very nice vehicle, to be able to make a whole lot of money, and to even seem to have been blessed with many friends. Many of these same people tend to have no trouble finding clothes to wear or even enough food to eat, and in fact, are able to go out to eat whenever and/or wherever they so please. As most of you know, there are some people who never ever worry about money problems because they have more than they will ever need. Some of the more ignorant of these people will often claim that they have more money than Me when, in reality, everything belongs to Me anyway. Some people tend to be superstars in their field of endeavor and are even more popular than Me as they will sometimes say. Some people tend to live each day seemingly perched upon a pedestal on which other people have placed them. It would seem that there is nothing they would or could ever need, making them some of the supposedly most blessed people in the world.
     But now listen to Me, My children, what good would it do for someone to gain the whole world and yet lose their soul? You see, there are a whole lot of people that others might envy in this life, but they are envying them for the wrong reasons. The heart and life that is absent of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, is a heart and life that does not amount to very much at all. A person can have all of the possessions in the world, but without The Lord JESUS in their lives, it amounts to absolutely nothing at all. There are so many people who tend to be struggling and having a difficult time in life, but because they have The Lord JESUS in their lives, they have everything that they need. Some might look at what those people do not have and feel sorry for them, but there is no greater blessing than to have JESUS CHRIST in their lives. Just remember, Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world and blessed are those of you who remember that fact. Now may the best things be to you who love CHRIST JESUS, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Do Not Shoot the Messenger

October 31, 2024

"Do Not Shoot the Messenger"

     There are indeed times when the messenger is the one who gets threatened or shot, just because someone does not particularly like the message he or she brings. This can be the case in the natural as well as in the spiritual, and for now, it is the spiritual that concerns Me the most. Too many people tend to spend more time contemplating or carrying out sinful acts, and when there is a message that condemns such acts, and these are people who often want to kill the messenger. Sure, I gave everyone their own life to live, but living it in sin is not why The Lord JESUS laid down His life, and it is My hope that more people will come to realize that fact. As you take a good look around this world, you will notice all types of sin taking place, with many of them being done by those who claim to be Christians. A Christian is supposed to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, and that is something that is very often forgotten by most people.
     So the next time there is a message warning against allowing sin to rule your life, do not get all bent out of shape, desiring to shoot the messenger, whoever he or she might be. I am not unaware of the fact that sin is considered to be a lot of fun by most people, but sin should no longer be a part of your nature as a child of Mine in CHRIST. I am also aware of the fact that sin can be very tempting to and for those who have one foot in the world and its ways, and one foot on My side of the line. Listen, somewhere down the line, a person must decide on which side they will land before it is too late. It is one thing to repent of your sins and receive CHRIST JESUS as your Lord and Savior, and then end up stumbling every now and then. It is another whole thing to repent of your sins and supposedly receive The Lord JESUS as your Lord and Savior, and then to just continue in your sinful ways without giving it a second thought, and that is something that I will not tolerate for very long. Now may you be one who is serious and who will not want to shoot the messenger, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, October 30, 2024


October 30, 2024

"JESUS Is Lord"

     In the past few days, I have seen more of an interest being seen in and given to The Lord JESUS than there usually is normally. Having more interest in The Lord JESUS than usual is always a good and blessed thing. Of course, most people recognize the fact that The Lord JESUS is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and of course, there is no Name greater than The Name of JESUS as well, and that at His Name, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of GOD The Father. The main reason I am proud of you who have and are taking more interest in The Lord JESUS is that things are becoming more serious in the world around you. Some people are even seeing The Lord JESUS do things in their lives that they had not seen done before. He or she who has moved The Lord JESUS to the top of the list in their life has done a very worthwhile and wonderful thing.
     Now listen to Me, My children in CHRIST, the more of a learner and follower of CHRIST JESUS you seek to become, the more power you will find in your life as well. There will always be those who think that you are somewhat foolish to make The Lord JESUS the Lord of your life over everything and anything else, but Who better to have as Lord than The One Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life? Yes, there are those who manage to put other people, places, and/or things before CHRIST JESUS, so then they should not be too surprised when they hear the words; depart from Me, for I never knew you. If you want to put JESUS on the bottom of your list My friend, do not be too surprised if you were to end up on the bottom of His list as well. I have been trying to warn people to wake up before it is too late because the time clock of the return of The Lord JESUS is steadily ticking away, and blessed are you who are paying attention. Now may good things be to you who do remember that JESUS CHRIST is Lord, now and forevermore, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Do Not Be A Worrier

October 29, 2024

"Do Not Be A Worrier"

     As many of you are aware, there are some people who tend to worry about every little thing there is in life. Some people tend to worry so much in fact, that they leave no room at all for faith. Just in case you did not realize it, faith and worry have difficulty trying to occupy the same heart and space, because one will eventually overpower the other. That is also one reason why some people tend to leave the family of faith, so to speak because worry has overtaken them and has left no room in their hearts for faith in Me. It is sad to say for sure, but those who do worry a lot, also tend to take years off of their life. Since worry is not My doing, worry is like a silent enemy that will seek to erode away a person's well-being in every way possible. Worry is like some vicious animal that prowls around seeking out a victim to devour, and blessed is everyone who is able to keep worry at bay.
     From this day forth, oh child of GOD, try to keep worry at a minimum, or at the least, out of your life and your heart completely. Most of you are and have been blessed in ways that you are not always able to see, just know that there is no reason for you to worry when We are on your side. Too often in this world, people will tend to forget the fact that JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and I are always present, and they will allow worry to keep them separated from Us spiritually speaking. When you see people who are constantly walking around worrying about one thing 0r another, you will often also notice that they tend to have very little to no faith in or for anything in their life. You might also notice that they have very little to no joy or peace as well in their life because of that old beast, worry. So as you seek to live your life today, seek to keep worry far away and out of your life by replacing it with faith. Remember that Hebrews 11:1 says, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. May faith therefore be your legacy, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Looking to Heaven

October 28, 2024

"Looking to Heaven"

     He or she who finds praising The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and Me a chore or difficult to do here on earth, will surely have a difficult time if they are blessed enough to make it here to Heaven. It is the same hard time that racists, bigots, and such will have, which is why if there is no repentance, they will not be here in Heaven. The same goes for those who have difficulty with worshipping, singing, and praising Us on a daily basis. I realize that I have mentioned these things before, but as I have also said, important things always bear repeating. There is the misconception that only so-called bad people will go to hell, but then Who determines what bad is? And speaking of bad, what degree of bad is enough to send someone to hell? Now on the other hand, what and how much good is needed for someone to be able to get into Heaven? When thinking about being good enough to get into Heaven, where does faith in The Lord JESUS CHRIST come into the picture, or does not anyone believe that He has anything to do with getting into Heaven at all?
     Now listen to Me, My beloveds, there is no way to get into Heaven without first coming to and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. There are many people who mistakenly think and believe that they can get to Me apart from CHRIST JESUS. To believe this, one would have to believe that JESUS CHRIST was lying when He said that He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that no one comes to The Father except for through Him. And when it comes to the worshipping, the praising, the singing, and such if a person cannot tolerate such things here on earth where they have a choice as to whether or not to listen, what will they do if there is no choice at all? Do those who love to use foul and vulgar language here on earth, really believe that such language would be allowed here in Heaven? Many people have believed that they can just continue to talk, live, and be any old way here on earth, and still be able to get into Heaven, but having a repentant heart here on earth is part of the highway to Heaven. Now may you be one who makes a change through repentance here on earth, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Importance of JESUS CHRIST in Your Life

October 27, 2024

"The Importance of JESUS CHRIST 
in Your Life"

     When thinking about how the world is today, I see many people who tend to celebrate and praise many of the wrong things and people in life. When you really sit down and think about it, there are many of the so-called rock stars and other types of performers, who are more popular and more celebrated than The Lord JESUS CHRIST. It is such a shame for sure, that someone who has not done anything for a person's soul is considered to be more popular and more celebrated than The One Who gave His life so that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but would have everlasting life. Many of the performers, actors, and such do very little to nothing at all as far as helping to lead people to The One Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Being all caught up in the lives of people who tend to do very little to nothing at all for someone, is a sad way to live your life.
     From this day forth My children in CHRIST, stop and give some thought to Whom is truly The Most Important Person in your life. Entertainers and such are there to give many of you some relief or a break from everyday life, but that is about the most that they can do for you. Always remember that JESUS CHRIST was crucified, was buried, and was resurrected to bring you into Our Heavenly Family, remembering too just how blessed you truly are for what He did. Oh sure, you do have your sports stars, your movie and television stars, and/or even certain types of Pastoral stars behind the pulpit of Churches, but none of them can do anything to save your soul, because JESUS CHRIST is The Only Soul Saver. All I want you to do today is to give some thought to just how much The Lord JESUS really means to you, and how important it is for Him to be first in your life. Learn therefore to let JESUS CHRIST be The Light of your life, and blessed you will be for so doing, in HIS Holy and Most Precious Name.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

When Your Only Desire Is to Help

October 26, 2024

"When Your Only Desire Is to Help"

     It sometimes seems that when all you might want to do is to help someone, there always tends to be someone else who does not want your help. It is My desire to see people at least try to help one another, even though some either do not want or think that they do not need your help. It is these types of people who tend to try and put on an act of sorts, trying to be too proud and haughty to accept help. Believe it or not, there are those who still have a sense of pride that not only keeps them from seeking help, but also those who are close to them from seeking help for them as well. There will surely be those times in life when no matter how much you desire to do so, some people are just going to turn you down, even though it will be obvious to everyone that the person or people really do need help. Have you ever noticed how, even though JESUS CHRIST knew what was wrong with certain people, He would still ask them what they wanted Him to do for them? Every now and then, it pays to be like JESUS when it comes to helping some people, and just ask them what they want.
     Now know this, My children, as hard as it is to do sometimes, you are just going to have to let some people face some hard times if they are too proud to ask for help. There are of course some instances when you just might be able to help some people anonymously, which is the best way to do it sometimes. He or she who is not too proud to ask for help deserves any and all help that you might be able and willing to give. One exception to this would be if such a person does not want to do anything at all to help correct the problems in which they have repeatedly found themselves. Now of course, love also means being patient when it comes to some people and their attitudes, which is something that even I have to deal with some of you at times. As stated earlier, sometimes you just have to be like The Lord JESUS was with certain people and just ask them what they want, and then do your best to help them with whatever it is. Now may you turn out to be a wonderful helper when you do, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, October 25, 2024

Are You Trustworthy?

October 25, 2024

"Are You Trustworthy?"

     As most people know, there is almost nothing or no one quite as destructive as someone who has trouble telling the truth. One of the problems with such a person is not being able to trust them at all. No matter how much you like or care for such a person, it is difficult to know when they are lying to you about something or someone. You will also have trouble with such people when they are able to lie with a straight face, so to speak, and there are many who are good at doing just that. My Word has said of satan that he is the father of lies, so then those who practice lying for evil ends, are said to be children of satan and not children of Mine. Just think about it, was The Lord JESUS ever known for being a liar? No, of course not, and those who claim to be Christians should be the same way. Once again, I am not saying that Christians should be perfect, but the practice of sin should not be their playbook at all if they are serious about their walk with JESUS.
     So therefore My children, do not be or become the type of individual who lies with ease. Let a lie coming from your lips be as foreign to you as some Country you have never visited. Be the type of person who people can trust and/or count on to be honest and truthful no matter what. Those who tend to find it so easy to lie, are the type of people who will end up not being able to be trusted from moment to moment. Oh, I know that most people just figure that everyone lies anyway, but what if I was considered to be a liar? How could you ever trust anything that I have ever said? Would it not be horrible to think that your Heavenly Father cannot be trusted to tell the truth? If that were the case, I would be no different than satan, and this world would really be in trouble. Now let GOD be true and every man be a liar, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.