Friday, August 09, 2024

Being Thankful

August 09, 2024

"Being Thankful"

     When you give some thought to what took place when The Lord JESUS was on earth, you will notice how people were always coming to Him for healing. Now the Pharisees of course were a different story, because their hearts were being ruled by jealousy and the devil. Remember that at one time, in fact, The Lord JESUS told them in John 8:43-45, (43)Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. (44)You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. (45)But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. These people were so corrupt in fact, that they could not see the truth of Who The Lord JESUS CHRIST truly was.
     Now listen My children, many of those very same people who had been coming to The Lord JESUS CHRIST for healing, turned around and called for His crucifixion. They allowed a bunch of people who were being led by satan to influence them, which shows you how the power of evil can be when dealing with ignorance. Instead of people being thankful for what The Lord JESUS had done for them, they cried out for Him to be crucified. There are many such people who exist today, who instead of giving thanks to The Lord JESUS and Me for what We have done for them, they just go on their merry way never even looking back. It would really be nice if more people would learn to appreciate what We do and have done for them. Do not allow the evil one to pull the wool over your eyes, so to speak, nor keep you from hearing things as satan will often do. Now may good things be to you who remember to be thankful, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Being Truthful with People

August 08, 2024

"Being Truthful with People"

     For those who try to please everyone and/or who do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, it will become increasingly more difficult than ever to be one who will tell others the truth. As many of you are aware, the truth can indeed hurt sometimes, especially when there is no easy way to sugar-coat it. These are days when people do not really want to hear the truth of My Word especially, because as It says in Hebrews 4:12-13, (12)For the word of GOD is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (13)And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account. Now unless one's conscience has already been seared, one cannot help but to be convicted of one's sins and wrongdoings and have a desire to repent.
     So as you live your life today, think more about what is true rather than about hurting someone's feelings or trying to please everyone. You never know when you might be someone's last chance to hear the truth, especially when it comes to the truth of My Word. There are so many people who are afraid to be honest when it comes to what My Word has to say about a particular matter, for fear of there being hurt feelings or some type of reprisal. My Word is life My friends, and it is too bad for anyone who does not want to live an abundant spiritual life. Oh, I am well aware of the fact that not everyone wants to accept as truth what My Word has to say, but there is nowhere else where the road to eternal life can be found. He or she who cares to live forever, will not mind the truth of My Word, for it is in My Word the way to JESUS CHRIST and faith in Him is where eternal life is found, and blessed is everyone who receives Him, and you can take that to the bank.


Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Expecting GOD to Answer

 August 07, 2024

"Expecting GOD to Answer"

     Is it not amazing how a person can pray and pray on a daily basis, and never give any thought to the fact that I, Almighty JEHOVAH, might want to say something in return? So many people are always asking for any number of things but never hang around to listen for an answer. Sad to say, many who do expect Me to answer when they pray, or even maybe give them some advice, will often be called crazy, loopy, deceived, or just plain old stupid, all because they expect The Almighty Living GOD to answer them in one way or another. Even if I do not respond audibly, which I rarely do these days, I will speak either through The Holy Spirit, through some type of event, or through some type of manifestation. What I often find sad is the fact that people will do all of this whining, griping, and complaining to Me, but never expect any type of answer or advice from Me in return.
     Now listen My children, these messages that have been given to this particular writer as well as to others, are the different ways I have of talking to each of you when you read them. Some of them might apply to your situation and some will not, but you will never know unless you listen to your spirit. It is My good pleasure to be able to converse with those of you who expect Me to do so or answer you in some way. I hear this person and that person praying, and some of them more than once a day, but these same people never stop to just listen for any answer at all. All some of them want to do is to talk, talk, talk, and talk some more, never thinking about the fact that I might also have something to say. So what if someone thinks that you are a little crazy, loopy, or whatever because I am The Living GOD and not some god who cannot hear nor speak nor answer in any way. What if those who wrote The Bible believed that way, My Word would not exist today. Learn therefore to listen more and talk less, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, August 06, 2024


August 06, 2024

"The Power of JESUS CHRIST"

     Ever since sin entered this world, that which was good took a turn for the worse. The devil deceived Eve into doing that which was wrong and the man Adam went right along with her, and similar deceptions are still taking place today. As many of you are aware, there are times when sins are shared by a couple, even though one of the two might have been reluctant to participate in whatever the event might have been. Every evil under the sun is because of sin, and many people just tend to roll with it all, so to speak. When you think about how sin and evil tend to work together, you are able to see that many people have become slaves to it all. It becomes more and more difficult all of the time to resist sin the longer that one tends to ignore it. Some people even live day to day not even realizing the toll that sin takes on the human body, soul, and mind, and that is a dangerous state in which to find one's self.
     Listen therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, remember that sin came into this world through the defeat of the first Adam, and victory came through the success of the Second Adam, Who is The Lord JESUS CHRIST. All any of you have to do is wake up and realize that you do not have to remain a slave to sin because there is the power to overcome through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior. As you tend to take a look around, there is entirely too much hate floating around this world, along with bitterness, sexual immorality, and other sins being seen in the lives of people everywhere. It is My hope to see more people begin to wake up and realize that they do not have to be slaves to sin any longer because The Lord JESUS CHRIST has set them free if they would only learn to lean on Him and His righteousness. Sin is indeed somewhat powerful or else so many people would not be enslaved to it. Know this, there is even more power available through JESUS CHRIST, and blessed are those of you who will rest in Him, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Monday, August 05, 2024

Blessed to Be in Need

August 05, 2024

"Blessed to Be in Need"

     One of the reasons why in Matthew 19:24 it says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, is because they tend to have almost everything they want or need. And then if it is something they do not have, they can usually afford to purchase whatever they need. It is therefore difficult for them to enter the Kingdom of GOD because they seldom, if ever, have any need to use any real faith. That which they do not have or cannot purchase is usually something which they can do without. That is also one reason why those who tend to be lacking something in life, either materially or spiritually, are blessed without ever realizing how blessed they are. Those who do lack, are usually the ones who are constantly before Me in JESUS' Name, even when what they might want or desire is some material thing because they will have to use their faith in the process.
     Most who tend to have a lot, have a desire to hold on to what they have, even if they have more than they could ever use or need. Now I do not want to just lump all rich and/or wealthy people into the same boat, but many of them do not see a need to give their lives to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, as if it is the money that will keep them out of hell. For whatever reason, many of the rich tend to think that they are too good to need a Savior, and that is where they are surely wrong. Those who do find themselves in need and who turn to JESUS CHRIST because of it, are some of the most blessed individuals there are. There have indeed been some very decent rich and/or wealthy people in life, but they are few when compared to those who came to CHRIST JESUS and were not rich or wealthy. The rich or wealthy person who realizes their need for JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior is well on their way to a life that leads to more than just financial freedom, but to spiritual freedom as well. He or she who learns to love The Lord JESUS  just because of Who He is and not because of what He can give or do for them will be blessed indeed. Now may you be counted as one such person, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, August 04, 2024

How Close Is the End?

August 04, 2024

"How Close Is the End?"

     As many of you have been hearing lately, there are more and more Ministers preaching about the end of days lately, because they are the ones who are reading the signs of the times. Remember that The Lord JESUS said to His Disciples in Matthew 24:-4-8, (4)And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. (5) For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. (6) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (8) All these are the beginning of sorrows. He then went on to describe how they will be hated and killed for His Name's sake and many will be offended and will betray one another. Many false prophets will rise up and deceive even some of the elect, but the end will not come until the Gospel is preached throughout the whole world, and that is actually occurring as We speak. 
     Just be mindful of the fact, therefore, that your Heavenly Father, Me, is The Only One Who truly knows when the end will come. But listen, just as in the days of Jonah, I can change My mind if there is a national repentance of sorts, otherwise the end just might be closer than many of you believe. That is one of the reasons why it is so important for a person to know The Lord JESUS CHRIST because, without Him, nothing at all will matter anyway. I am aware of the fact that many parents and grandparents are concerned about their children and/or grandchildren if the world were to end, but just know that I already have a plan in place for such an eventuality. Yes, My children, many of the Ministers of today are only reading the signs as JESUS told the Pharisees of His day to do. Blessed are you who have had ears to hear, therefore, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, August 03, 2024

Taking A Stand for the Truth

August 03, 2024

"Taking A Stand for the Truth"

     It is definitely becoming more and more difficult for a lot of people to take a stand for the truth these days, and mainly because of the politically correct attitudes of today. The Lord JESUS never shied away from using My Word when necessary, as many people tend to do today. JESUS knew that My Word was, as it says in Hebrews 4:12,  For the Word of GOD is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. You will often hear people telling others what they can and cannot say or do, all in the name of tolerance and political correctness. One really has to learn to ask oneself if one is seeking to please man or seeking to please Me. Much too often these days, those who know the truth of what My Word says about certain things, have become afraid to stand by the truth of My Word for fear of offending or hurting someone's feelings. Now I ask you, do you ever read about The Lord JESUS CHRIST holding back on the truth for fear of offending or hurting someone's feelings? Of course not, because JESUS knew that the truth would set people free, whereas a lie would keep them in bondage.
     So as you go about your merry way My children, stop being intimidated by those who just might be perishing anyway. Remember, it is not My will that anyone should have to perish, hence the reason for the birth of The Lord JESUS CHRIST into the world. John 3:16 says, For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. It is the choices that are made by men and women that will send them to hell and not Me. I know that in a world such as exists today, it is more difficult than ever to stand for what is righteous, pure, and Holy, but such is the way it is when you care about other people's souls. Blessed are all of you who are willing to face the fire, because as The Lord JESUS said in Luke 9:23-27, (23)“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. (24) For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. (25) For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? (26) For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. It is definitely going to become more difficult to stand strong for the truth as time goes by, but remember Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through CHRIST Who strengthens me, now and forevermore, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 02, 2024

Let Us All Learn to Be Fair

August 02, 2024

"Let Us All Learn to Be Fair"

     Have you ever noticed how if two different individuals say something that might be considered to be rude or even unacceptable, he or she who is liked will be excused, while the other will be chastised or severely reprimanded? I have mentioned this today because of what I have seen occurring between people, especially when it comes to those in the media and other such outlets. I have noticed that if certain individuals will say something that is maybe considered to be mean and/or offensive, and if that person is liked by other people, they will usually get a pass. As a matter of fact, there will even be excuses made for them just because they are liked and the other one is not. Oh, and just let someone say something, that others do not like, even the least little thing that is said will be blown all out of proportion, and oftentimes even misquoted. It is indeed bad to be on the so-called wrong side, because there will be no way to win, and that is sad indeed.
     Now please listen to Me My beloved, as a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST, you should always try to at least be fair, whether or not you like someone. I can say that you should love everyone, even your enemies, but I am your Creator, therefore I know what is and what is not possible for you. The only way that such a love is even possible, is if you humble yourselves and allow The Lord JESUS CHRIST to do the loving through you in the power of The Holy Spirit, which is something not everyone will or can do. Just think about how it would be if I was that way with some of you. I realize there are people who will say and/or do some of the most horrible, mean, and insensitive things, but these things occur with the people you like as well as those you do not like. All I am asking of you is this, as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you learn to be fair about such things. Now may fairness be your mantra, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 01, 2024

Do Not Covet or Envy Others

August 01, 2024

"Do Not Covet or Envy Others"

     Some people tend to be so miserable in their own lives, because of thinking that someone else's life is better than their own. There are in fact times when you will see someone coveting and/or envying what someone else has and how they live their life. It is indeed sad to think that one person can sit around being miserable in their life just because of what they are imagining what someone else's life is like. Know this, My children, sometimes the greenest grass is indeed the grass that is on your own side of the fence, and a lot of people do not want to believe this to be true. Many people have found out that what they had believed to be better on the other side of the fence, turned out to be just an illusion. Sometimes it is easy to think that someone else has a better life than yours, until and unless you get the chance to walk a mile in the other person's shoes, so to speak.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to appreciate and to be content with and in your own lives as the Apostle Paul learned to do. Know this as well, there is good and bad in every life, even in some of the lives some of you might be coveting and/or envying. When one does not know all of the particulars of someone else's life, then everything just might appear to be better than it really is, when that is not always the truth of the situation. Now of course there are those who have more than you do, whether it be money, cars, homes, jewelry, children, or whatever, but it does not necessarily mean that their life is better than yours. This can be especially true if you have love in your life, because there is almost nothing quite as precious and as special as love. And when you really stop to think about it, everything that is seen right now is only temporary and will pass away. Only what you learn to store up in Heaven will last, so one should really think about that. Now may you be one who can be content in your own life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

In GOD We Will Trust

July 31, 2024

"In GOD We Will Trust"

     Some people are still wondering today why sometimes the good is punished while those who do evil often get rewarded and even allowed to prosper. It even seems sometimes that the good dies young as they say, while the evil tends to live a long life. As many of you have often seen, those who seemingly try to live right, try to do all of the right things, are kind to others, and who even try to help anyone they can, will be the ones who come down with some kind of sickness and/or disease or injury, and will sometimes even end up passing away. You might even hear someone say that a certain person died too soon or maybe died before their time, but how can any of you truly know that to be true? You might look at some other people and wonder why not them because of the type of person they are? All you have ever seen them do is harm or be mean to others, and you never hear them utter a kind word to anyone, except maybe to others who are just like them. As a matter of fact, many of these types of individuals do not even want anything to do with CHRIST JESUS or Me, so why do I allow them to live?
     Now listen to Me My children, you are not going to be able to understand everything that I do and/or allow to occur in this world, because as it says in Isaiah 55:8-9, (8)"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says The Lord. (9)"For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts". Some of the things I allow into your life are tests for you to see where your faith truly lies and just how strong it is. You are sometimes faced with specific trials in order to strengthen your faith, or even to show you just how much you need JESUS and I in your life. There are also times when someone is gone too soon or before their time, so to speak, it is to spare them a fate that I know would be worse for them later in life. There are even times when because of the person themselves or some other person's evil free will, something bad will occur. And lest any of you forget, I am Omniscient, which many of you still find difficult to understand. There are also times when I might just bring someone Home early so that they will not have to suffer any more than necessary, which I often do with the young.
     Now the question of allowing the evil and the wicked to live and even prosper, even being the evil souls they are, there is an explanation. Remember what The Lord JESUS said in Matthew 5:45, For He makes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the just and the unjust. He also said before in Matthew 5:44, But I say to you love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. Now how could I expect any of you to do something that would not be willing to do Myself? Also, some of these people I allow to live because I know that they will turn to Us one day later in their lives and have a great testimony when they do. What many of you see in the present will be totally different in the future, which is why you need to just let Me be The GOD that I am, and you be the learner and follower of JESUS CHRIST as you should be. Now may you learn to just trust and keep the faith in Me through all things, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Do Not Be Deceived

July 30, 2024

"Do Not Be Deceived"

     Some people have wondered how even the elect of GOD, as said in Mark 13:22 of My Word, will be able to be deceived in the latter days? Well, you can see the beginning of it today in the way a person's attitude is towards certain things that are seen. Just think about how people tend to make certain choices based on certain things such as a person's looks, education, speech, race, color, nationality, and/or creed. This has been the case ever since the advent of sin, and it has gone back and forth through the ages. Yes My children, instead of judging someone based on the truth of what is being said and/or done, they decide based on those qualities that I mentioned earlier. Even when The Lord JESUS was here in person, there were those who rejected Him because of where He was from, even though His works and His words proved that He was indeed The Son of GOD. Just because He was not who the ignorant people of His day expected, He was rejected enough to have been crucified by the masses. He also appeared to be a threat to the so-called religious leaders of His day as well, and mainly because of their jealousy of Him.
     One lesson to learn therefore from this My children, is to not be so quick to judge people based upon the petty thoughts of mankind. Learn how to put aside such petty things as looks or physical appearance, race, color, creed, nationality, or even the way someone might talk. Be wise enough to listen to what someone says and/or does and make your decision from that point. Do not allow yourself to be misled by the senseless things of life that often cause people to ignore those to Whom they should be paying very close attention. Remember that many of My people are to be led astray by some smooth talkers, and some people who are very good at stirring up hatred and causing confusion among the masses, and they will draw many people into their web of deception. It will not be so easy to differentiate between these people unless one learns to stay close to Us. Just do not be so quick to be a hater of others, because Galatians 5:22 makes clear that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such, there is no law, and blessed are you who remember that, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Hooray for the Worshippers

July 29, 2024

"Hooray for the Worshippers"

     Believe it or not My children, it always does My heart good to see those who are called by My Name worshipping and praising The Lord JESUS CHRIST and Myself when it is done with sincere hearts. It also did My heart good to see so many people standing and worshipping in the face of the evil that was seen in the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. It proved to the devil that there are still a great number of people who have not yet bent their knees to Baal as so many others have these days. It is such a pleasure to see people as well who are willing to face the criticism, scorn, and ridicule for standing up for what is right and Holy in Our eyes. Remember when The Lord JESUS said that the world would hate you because it hated Him first? Well, My beloved, there will be more of that type of thing taking place in the name of satan as time progresses. Oh, they might not always realize who is behind their hatred because of their blindness and their ignorance of the way he operates.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, continue right on with your praises and your worshipping as you continue to upset your adversary the devil. The more praise and worship We receive, the angrier he tends to become, just as he did when JESUS was on Earth. Just do not ever forget that you now have the power of The Holy Spirit living within you, which still makes you more powerful than he could ever dream of being. The problem with a lot of people is that they just do not realize the strength and the power that they have going for them and have been given in JESUS' Name. As I said earlier, it is such a pleasure to see so many people worshipping and praising Us, not caring at all about what those who love the world and its ways think. It is sad, but there does have to be a separation of the chaff from the wheat very soon, and blessed are you who will stay strong through it all. Now may good things be to you who will resist the devil and cause him to flee, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

GOD Is Not Mocked

July 28, 2024

"GOD Is Not Mocked"

     Bless your little hearts, all of you who are and/or were concerned and offended about The Lord JESUS and I being mocked and made fun of in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics this year. Listen, as it says in Galatians 6:7, Do not be deceived, GOD is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. There are many people today who believe that they are getting away with doing all sorts of devious and disgusting things, when in reality, their time to reap has just not come around yet. It is good that My breaking point is much higher than mankind's, or else this world would be much emptier by now because of the way people are and behave. Anyone who has any sense or wisdom should be giving thanks daily for what The Lord JESUS CHRIST has done on their behalf. Even those who have not yet received JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior should be thankful for His mercy, grace, forgiveness, and love, of which everyone should be appreciative.
     Therefore My beloved children, do not cry or feel sorry for Us, but rather feel sorry and pray for those who are so ignorant as to make fun of anything that is Holy. The truly sad thing about it all is, that if there is no repentance from these types of people, they will end up being headed to a place where they would surely not want to be. Much too often in this world, there is a group of people who think that it is funny or amusing to poke fun at anything that is Holy, but if they maintain such an ignorant attitude, there will surely be weeping and gnashing of teeth because of being thrown into the outer darkness where there is nothing but pain and suffering. So just let them have their fun for now because unlike most of them, The Lord JESUS and I have all of the time in the world, and We will surely have the last laugh. So now may you be Holy as JESUS and I are Holy and blessed you will surely be for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

America Is Blessed

July 27, 2024

"America Is Blessed"

     Those who love to indulge themselves in sinful acts, just do not realize how blessed they are to have others who are willing to pray for them. Too many of these types of people either take those who are praying for them for granted, or they choose to not think about them at all. It is much like the unrepentant sinners in this Nation for instance, and how they should be very thankful for the fact that there are people who are fervently praying for The United States of America. From where I sit, there is entirely too much celebrating of evil, wickedness, unrighteousness, and sin, with these individuals barely even giving a thought to how blessed they are to live in a Country or Nation such as this one. I realize that I have said these things before, but I repeat them in the hope that some of this will get through some of those thick heads that I see every day. Too many of these people have no idea how blessed they are to be living in The USA.
     So from this day forth oh child of Mine, do not be one who lives each day in sin and with evil and wicked intents, not caring at all about the way you are living. Learn to be thankful that (1) you live in The United States of America, and (2) you live in a Country that believes in prayers to The One True GOD, The GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Prayer is indeed a very powerful weapon, and blessed are those of you who make it a habit of doing it. Also, My beloved children, be thankful for the fact that prayers have kept this Nation safe for the most part, especially when you can see so much unrest around the rest of the world. It is not by accident that this is the case people, but rather because of the sincere and fervent prayer warriors that this is happening. Blessed are you who love JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Me, for a great blessing you will see because of where you live, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, July 26, 2024

GOD's Word Will Never Change

July 26, 2024

"GOD's Word Will Never Change"

     When you think about how people tend to behave these days, you will notice just how few of them ever seem to take My Word and Me seriously. I have even heard some people being compared to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, which is a blasphemous thing to do because no one can compare to The Lord JESUS CHRIST at all. There is nothing wrong with trying to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST because that is what the believer should be trying to do anyway. But for anyone to believe that they have achieved oneness with CHRIST JESUS, still wrapped in those filthy sinful bodies, is not right at all. This is especially true when you consider how few there are who even listen to and care about what The Lord JESUS had said. The Lord JESUS asked people to do many things that men and women have chosen to just ignore these days, behaving as if they know more today than The Lord JESUS did in His day.
     Now listen to Me, My children, there will come a day when it will matter who cared about My Word and Me, and matter who cared to listen to and obey The Lord JESUS CHRIST. One of the reasons why most of the things The Lord JESUS made difficult is because He knew that no one could succeed at doing these things in their own strength. JESUS CHRIST knew that if you were going to come close to being successful at all, you would have to depend on and trust in Him to see you through The Holy Spirit. He also knew that satan would come around with his lying, and you would need His strength to combat satan, because JESUS CHRIST has defeated satan time and time again. Satan will surely try to tell you that JESUS CHRIST has changed in these latter days, and that My Word does not mean today what it used to mean, but those are all just lies. Ignore the lies that JESUS and My Word have changed, and blessed you will be who realized those lies, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Prayers for this Nation

July 25, 2024

"Prayers for this Nation"

     Hello My darling children, I have heard many of you praying for The United States and the Nation of Israel, and all because of the events that have been taking place lately. As many of you know, there is less and less respect for the freedom that you Americans tend to enjoy. It is sad to say, but there tends to be too much freedom for some of the ignorant people around because they run around celebrating certain causes that do nothing but honor satan and his ilk. If it was not for My remnant, and if it was not for those who are still finding their way to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, I would have destroyed this Nation long ago. It is indeed a sad thing to see so many people living in America who are being led by satan and his cohorts. As many of you have already seen, these people are burning the flag of the Country that gives them the freedom to do what they are doing, which is so sad to see. There is no accounting for this type of ignorance, and it is affecting both the young and old alike.
     Therefore, My children, do not become one of those people who will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge. As I said earlier, if not for the prayers that I have been hearing for this Country and Israel, I would have allowed this Nation to suffer My wrath, and that is something no one would want to see. Those who find themselves being led by the evil forces of darkness, need to give thanks to those who are and have been on their knees before Me in JESUS' Name. I grow weary of ignorant people, especially when they think that they are so smart or just so intelligent. I am also aware of those who tend to be politically ignorant as well, who tend to vote year after year being led by liars. How often does a person have to be misled and lied to before they finally wise up? One should learn to seek the truth before they cast a vote for someone who does not care. Wise up, therefore, all of you who are and have been misled, and may you also learn to respect and honor the flag of the Country that has given you this freedom, and do so in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Keeping the Faith

July 24, 2024

"Keeping the Faith"

     Yes My children in CHRIST, I realize that some of you are going through some trying times because some of you have received some news that is sure to test your faith. Many among you might be under the impression that I have let you down, simply because you have recently received some unnerving news that did not sit well with you and what you have believed. You have been praying and have believed that you have received what you have prayed for, but certain tests, numbers, and such events did not seem to have been on your side, or at least looking as if your prayers are not and have not been working. You have to know that you cannot go by such things as that. There are times when certain things just do not line up with the reality of how you might be feeling or seeing things at the present time. There are times when one's faith will truly be tested, and you will either have to believe in what is seen and/or heard, or believe in Me and My Word
     Now listen to Me, My children, things will not always be so easy to be seen as being real when everything seems to be going haywire all around you and in your life. Some of the most difficult faith times you will ever face are when you are believing one way and/or for a certain conclusion, but everything you see and/or hear is saying something completely different. These are tests and trials that will surely test your faith, and you will have to be willing to hang on to My Word that is meant to and for you. Some of you will indeed be tested as never before, in order for you to be able to help others who are being tested. Walking in faith is not some type of game in which you can just step in or out at will, as some people tend to believe. Know this, My beloved, the more difficult the task or prayer might be, the more faith it will certainly take to overcome. Remember that Hebrews 11:1 says, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Keep the faith, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Whose Side Are You On?

July 23, 2024

"Whose Side Are You On?"

     Many of you have noticed these days that the state of the world in general, tends to be getting worse each day instead of better. Even with all of the new converts that have come to The Lord JESUS CHRIST lately, satan has also been busy converting people to his side as well. I am loving everything that I have seen as far as people beginning to seek "The Light" rather than the darkness, but it is still aggravating at times to see the number of people who tend to fall for satan's tactics. He is very good at turning people against one another, even down to blinding and deafening them to what is true. Now of course, satan does not do his work alone, because he has his demons and cohorts working with him as well, but they cannot hold a candle to what The Lord JESUS and His helpers can do. The thing that can be so irritating at times as far as mankind is concerned, is how much of the material, carnal, and secular world they allow into their lives, not realizing or understanding that there are a lot greater things ahead and beyond this world in Heaven.
     Now from this day forth child of Mine, make walking in and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST through The Holy Spirit your primary focus and goal. Now I am not saying that you should not have or live a life of your own, only that you need to learn just Who has given you that life that you now have. Even if you are not considered to be a child of Mine as yet, know that every breath you now take is because of My mercy and My grace. Some of you might wonder what is so great about the life that I have given you? Well, it is a life of opportunity to make what you will of it. And do not forget, the most important opportunity you have been given, is the opportunity to make JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior, as so many thousands of others have been doing lately. Believe Me, when it is all said and done, and The Lord JESUS CHRIST returns, it will be better to be on His side rather than on satan's side. Know this, as it says in Philippians 2:10-11, 10 that at the Name of JESUS, every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord, to the glory of GOD The Father.


Monday, July 22, 2024

To Love, Respect, and Fear GOD

July 21, 2024

"To Love, Respect, and Fear GOD"

     There are many in the world today who tend to have less and less love for, respect for, and fear of Me than at almost any time before. The main reason for these attitudes seems to stem from Me not making it clear to those of today when I am at work correcting, disciplining, and sometimes even punishing people for their disobedience. There was a time when I would make clear to people when I was angry, upset, and/or disappointed with what they were doing, but not so much these days. That is mainly because of the work that was done by The Lord JESUS CHRIST and the weight He took off of mankind and placed on His own shoulders, so to speak. As you look around, you can see how there is less concern being seen by a lot of people as far as looking out for others is concerned, and even down to how a person's life is not seen to be worth much at all these days. The sad thing is, this even extends to a person's own family sometimes. Many people tend to lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, murder and do other detestable things as if My Word and the Ten Commandments did not exist at all.
     From this day forth, therefore, in as much as it depends on you, try to be one whose love for, respect for, and fear of The Lord JESUS CHRIST and I is real. Make the idea of obeying Me and My Word the most important things in your life, besides loving Us of course. Do not be so willing to chase and embrace sin as so many do, just because you know that JESUS CHRIST died for you and was crucified for you to bear your sins on the cross. What a person needs to realize is, that if they are willing to just keep on purposely sinning after knowing the truth, then such a person needs to examine themselves to see if they are truly saved. Oh sure, it takes time for some people to realize the seriousness of the situation, but somewhere along the way, they should be born again and redeemed. As many of you also know, some act as if JESUS CHRIST and I do not even exist, just living life as if there are no rules at all, which amounts to there being no respect for, no love for, and no fear of The One Who can condemn their souls. Some do in fact fear man more than Me, and oh how ignorant that is. Now from this day forth My children, let yourself be in love with, and have respect for, and fear Me, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

GOD and Politics

July 21, 2024

"GOD and Politics"

     I have mentioned before how people do not believe that I care about the politics of mankind, but that is not entirely true. You see, I do, and have to care, simply because My people care and are involved in the political process, but it is just My desire to be able to see more good than bad in it all. What causes Me to dislike the politics of mankind so much is all of the lying, dishonesty, conniving, evil, unholiness, and wickedness involved in it. There are always those who believe that they can do and/or get away with anything because of their political stance. Now please do not get Me wrong, I do not want to paint everyone with a broad brush, so to speak, because of course, I am aware of some few who still have some honor, integrity, holiness, and righteousness left in them and who are not all bad. It is just that for the most part, more politicians are interested in winning, enriching themselves, and keeping their seats and/or positions than they are in trying to help the people who have elected them, and that is certainly no way to be.
     So when it comes to the political arena My beloved, I realize that I have children who are in every spectrum of the political genre. I guess that I would be known as an Independent because there are some decent people in each of the political parties. I realize that the last person who said something similar to this ended up in a lot of trouble, but only because some liars took what he had said out of context and misrepresented it. What I need for people to realize is, that there are no sinless and perfect people on either side of the political spectrum, it is just that some are not as bad as some others. But now, as you know, in My Book, sin is sin no matter what, and more people need to remember that fact. It is My desire to see more honest, righteous, honorable, and holy people enter the political arena, but they are far and few in between. The solution would be for more people who feared Me to run rather than those who feared man. So may you seek out to vote for the more honest, righteous, truthful, holiest, and GOD-loving, GOD-fearing individuals around, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Minding Your Own Business

July 20, 2024

"Minding Your Own Business"

     There are indeed times when some people will see Me move in the lives of other people while seeing Me do practically nothing in their own lives. It might even cause them to wonder if I even care about whatever they might be going through at the time. So very often in this world, it appears that those who others think should deserve the least, tend to be blessed more and more, while those who are supposedly trying to live right are often being ignored, according to them. I realize that it might seem to be that way at times, but none of you really know what I have in mind at any particular time. I do have My ways of dispensing mercy and grace to those who might require them, and a way of holding them back from those who do not need them, even when they think they might. If any of you would care to take notice, even when The Lord JESUS CHRIST was here on earth, He did not heal everyone with whom He came into contact, and neither did He provide them with everything they wanted.
     So now listen very carefully children of Mine, do not be so concerned about what other people get and do not get, or have or do not have. It would do many of you a world of good if you would learn to mind your own business and stay out of other peoples' business. This is especially true if people would just learn to let Me do with others as I please, instead of being so concerned about what I do for them and not for you. As I tried to say earlier, I have My reasons for doing what I do, and no one of you is in a position to give Me any advice. The best thing that any of you can do for yourselves is to have and keep the faith. It does not matter what any of you see or hear concerning anyone else, having faith is the most important thing of all. Many people often end up missing out on what I have in store for them at a certain time, because of nosing around in someone else's business. Now may you be one who will learn to mind your own business, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Leaving It All Up to GOD

July 19, 2024

"Leaving It All Up to GOD"

     As many of you are aware, some people just love to argue, disobey, and disagree with Me about certain things in this life, as if I have no idea of what I am doing. For instance, there are times when some of you cannot imagine how I can allow some people to just keep on existing, especially knowing how much pain and heartache they are going to cause others in theirs or in someone else's life. Mankind will very often forget the fact that I am not like them as far as mercy, grace, and forgiveness are concerned. Isaiah 55:8-9 says; (8) "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. (9) "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." I find that mankind tends to question Me quite often as if they are so much brighter and wiser than I am, which anyone with any monocle of sense knows that to be untrue. Fortunately for most people, I have developed a thick Spirit, so to speak, to keep what mankind thinks at bay and in its own little pocket.
     Now listen to Me, My beloved, just be thankful that I am a merciful and forgiving GOD. I realize that some people do not deserve to live as some of you might have observed as well, which means that it is a good thing that you are not Me. Besides, how many of you think that you are such a gift to mankind that your life deserves to be spared? The way some of you tend to judge other people in fact, I am sure that you would surely spare those whose lives would need sparing? Not. Yes, the only real way to know who and/or who not to spare, is to know the hearts of people as I do. Remember that Matthew 7:1-3 says: (1)"Judge not, that you be not judged. (2) For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. (3) And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?" Therefore My precious ones, allow Me to do the judging and you just do the praying for others, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, July 18, 2024

So, You Want World Peace?

July 18, 2024

"So, You Want World Peace?"

     You will sometimes hear people say that they wish for world peace and that there will be no more murders or killings in the world. Oh yes, saying such things might sound good, but it is not very realistic at all, and that is so sad to think that it can never be that way until The Lord JESUS begins His reign on Earth. As many of you know, there are those who do try to get along with others, and they do their best to live according to how My Word says one should live. They try to bless others whenever they can, they try to live with a forgiving spirit, and they try to keep hatred out of their hearts. The problem of course is the fact that these people who are trying to live according to My Word, are not in this world alone, or not with people of like minds. Those who are on this Earth with them are often evil-minded and wicked, or at the very least, could not care less about any peace of any kind.
     Therefore My children, as much as some of you might wish for world peace, love, and kindness towards one another, as long as satan is free to roam, there will be evil, hatred, and wickedness at large as well. The best that any of you can hope for is to try and avoid as much evil, wickedness, and people's hatred as much as possible. You need to learn to stay as close to The Lord JESUS as possible and learn how to make walking in The Spirit as often as you can. You also need to remember that even though you are in this world, you are not of the world. You need to also be mindful of the fact that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. Remember too that satan has no power over you than what you allow him to have, if, in fact, you are a child of Mine in CHRIST. As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you should fear no evil, for JESUS CHRIST and I are with you through The Holy Spirit, and We will always be with you, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Going Home

July 17, 2024

"Going Home"

     All hail King JESUS is what will be heard in the Heavenlies one day, and blessed are all of those who will be there to see it. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is what He is, and there will come a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that JESUS CHRIST is Lord to the glory of GOD The Father. Much too often these days, there are those who can see and hear some people doing and saying unspeakable things with and/or to other people, and in many cases they hardly even notice. There are also people who talk to one another in the ugliest ways ever heard, and again those hearing it will hardly even notice. It causes one to wonder, sometimes, whether these will be the people who will be saying all hail King Jesus, and glory glory glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Are these the types of people who will enter through the wide or narrow gates? As Matthew 7:13-14 says,  (13) “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. (14) Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
     Now listen to Me, My children, the day is coming when there will be no more time for playing around. Those who tend to worship sin and evil will be marching down the road of condemnation and damnation. Some people will be weeping and saying how sorry they are but it will be too late for them. Some people will be saying that if they had only known when The Lord JESUS was returning, they would have been ready. But know this, because you do not know the day or the hour of His return you would be wise to be ready. Do not be like the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 who had no oil for their lamps. Oh how sad the day when certain people will be wishing that they had known, but everyone is being warned almost daily, so what is the excuse for not knowing? Now may you be one of the ones who will be ready, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How Is Your Faith?

July 16, 2024

"How Is Your Faith?"

     The whole idea of faith sometimes makes no sense whatsoever to the person who has a difficult time believing in Someone or something that they cannot see, hear, or feel. Much too often in this world, people will want to have some form of tangible proof before they will believe. As a matter of fact, a lot of people have trouble believing even though they have seen, and/or heard of Me doing certain things in and for their and others' lives. People saw JESUS CHRIST and I perform all kinds of miracles all through My Word, yet they still tended to have a difficult time believing in what We could and would do for them. Many people will say today that even if We did do certain things back then, it does not necessarily mean that We are or will be doing anything today. Now listen, if I, Almighty Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonia, am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then why would I not be doing miracles these days? Oh, how sad it is for the person who refuses to believe what they cannot see, touch, or sometimes hear.
     Now please listen to Me, you who are supposed to be My children, faith is one of the most important facts of life that you will ever know as a believer. Even when the rest of the world thinks that you are crazy for believing in what you cannot see, touch, or maybe even sometimes hear, you need to know, that you know, that you know your GOD is indeed real in JESUS' Name. Even if you never see or hear of Me or Us doing anything else but what We have already done, you will believe in The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Me no matter what the world believes. I realize that some of you have faced and are facing some truly rough times in your lives right now, but I do not want you to lose hope or give up on your faith because of what you are facing. Just know that no matter how dark everything might seem to be right now, there is always light when you decide to walk with CHRIST JESUS and Me through it all. Now may you keep the faith even in the roughest of times, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Vengeance Is The Lord's

July 15, 2024

"Vengeance Is The Lord's"

     It is indeed so very true My children, that vengeance or revenge is and will always be Mine. That is one reason why when people try to take out their own vengeance, they usually end up in all sorts of trouble. I know how to get revenge, and I know what would really hurt a person. Too often when some people try to get their own revenge or try to settle a score with someone, you really cannot imagine what might have caused them to get off track. Much too often, some people will allow their emotions to get the best of them, and end up getting themselves into trouble from which only I can rescue them. Oh sure, many of them have a legitimate reason to be upset at times, and even a good reason to want a little revenge, but again I say, vengeance is Mine thus says The Lord, and wise is the individual who remembers that fact.
     Now listen My children, it is not always an easy thing to let some transgressions go, but you need to realize that I see and saw the same thing that happened to you as you did. If it is something that really needs My attention, then you will have My attention for sure. People can often be too quick to become upset and lose their temper, which will often get them into even more trouble. The whole problem that I see with some people is the fact that they just do not trust Me to handle things for them. Most people want vengeance or revenge handled right away, so if I decide to take My time about it, they become impatient and seek to do things their own way. I know better than any of you the best way to handle vengeance or revenge against someone, so wise are you who will trust Me to do it for you. Now may you who need a little vengeance, leave everything up to Me, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.